this is cool cats r us showing all you coolcats out there how to do the twist! alright the twist is very easy. i'm goingto show you what it looks like real quick and then and we'll get in to how to do it. so it just looks like this. alright, so you want to get on your toes onthis one with your heels off the ground.
how to do the mashed potato dance step by step, all you do is shift from the left to the right. so it's left, right, left, right. from the back view it's left, right, left,right. you go a little faster and shake your butta little while you're at it.
then you can put up your hands like this andmove them to opposite ends. from the front here. so it's left, right with your hands up. left, right so with it zoomed in some here it's goingto be on your toes with your heels up and shifting to the left and to the right. to the left and to the right. from behind it's on your toes, heels up, youbegin shifting to the left and to the right. then you get going a little faster like that.
then you can even do it on one foot. raising the toe up and doing it on the other. faster shifting from the left to the right. one foot, one foot. whenever you get that down you do it regularspeed it looks something like this with your arms up and your shifting back and forth anddo a little bit of one leg, and have a little

fun with it and go down and up. alright, so that's the basics of the twist.real simple, real easy dance. check out my channel cool cats r us for moredances like that where i teach you in my living
room how to become a dance master in yourliving room.