hi, my name is rachel youens. i'm a freelancefashion writer and the owner of austin style watch.com street fashion site and today we'regoing to talk about how to wear a summer staple, and it's the sari or sarong. first dress we'regoing to make is sort of an evening wear dress you can kind of put over a swimsuit. and yourjust going to take the sarong, wrap it around your body, take it up around your neck andtwist it one time. so, just like that - see
how to make a dance skirt wrap, it again. twist it, take both of the ends,bring them up around your neck and tie them. you have a nice kind of front slit dress.not something you might want to wear without a little something underneath it because itis a little split up the front. second dress we're going to wear is kind of a asymmetrical,one shoulder look. we're going to take the
sarong again, wrap it around our body, takeit behind our back, and leave a little bit of a tail. and take the other side, bringit up over your shoulder. and this is when you might need a friends help with, unlessyour very flexible or sort of a contortionist. but your going to bring the two ends together,in the back , to make a one shouldered dress. and the next looks we're going to make arejackets. kind of nice little beach cover ups. first one we're going to do is we're goingto take our sarong and lay it out, and tie the two corners together. there's one...andhere is two. now, you're going to treat each of these two ends sort of like sleeves andjust put your arms right through them and you've got kind of a nice loose beach jacket.the next one we're going to do, also a jacket,
kind of follows along the same lines. andthis is for a more short sleeved jacket. last

one was kind of a more long sleeved one. forthis one you're going to take the sarong around your body, sort of like the first dresseswe made, tie the end up here and just as though it were a halter top, you're going to putyour neck right through there to make a short sleeved jacket. and this has been how to weara sarong.