bill o'reilly and donald trump togetherand again keys baseball game at yankee stadium i knew it sounds weird nothing compared to donald trump in billo'reilly joining in the way as it comes around yankee stadium as they watch thegame let's get to the video that this is incredible the reactions are absolutelyperfect
how to do the bristol stomp dance, trump watches everybody having fun and then does like a terrible version ofthe wave about five seconds after its already past bill o'reilly keeps time with the wavebut he only does it with his index
finger as opposed to both of hisforearms and hands so what they're going to get this is incredible uh... date date did just that whatthey're not sure what it's like sitting next to these guys in a baseball game very very weird stuff will take a lookillus but see if we can get that uh... that video diary ready yes we are herewe go here comes the way orally with his fingers as anafterthought bob how his arms up in kind
of looking around trying to be part of the five of coursethe big one more look at it would be too i think it is worth out looking atflights the wave third coming around what fun here comes the wave there it is bill reilly one point the finger looking veryimportant down comforters unzipping his dog looks around confused and apparently the entire crowd pioneera little bit uh...
a little bit strange and it was as with everything you donaldtrump's like he's completely clueless net in the way it is done i can stay on theway example it is terrible but if you're going to participate do it in a way that you don't end up inlooking ridiculous yet but he watched briefing or new york which is a piece oftheir purpose today donald trump looks like he would be theguy in the movie theater who yells out the answer to those in trivia questionsthat they put up on the screen before
the movie and he's wrong about the answer but hethinks that it's the theater chain that has made a huge mistake with the triviaquestions and then he afterwards he would write a letter sounds like a charmmove to ny once i made a huge mistake i was are doing the clap and stomp we will rock you think but iwas doing it uh... out of sequence but really it was out of sequence because iwas in a movie theater it was in a sporting event site has had no idea whatwas going on

that's it for today will be back with anew show tomorrow
please join us on the boat is show davidpacking dot com slash membership otherwise you tomorrow david admin gentlemen david admins ajosh