all right. the next turn we're going to do,we call it the cuddle. it's basically just an inside turn where we hang onto the otherhand. so, same rules as before. we're going to start with our basic and slide out. halfa basic, three, and slide it out. and since it's an inside turn, we're going to prep withthe gentleman's right hand. and this time, when we turn her, we're going to hang ontothe other hand. so we're going to wrap her
how to learn ballroom dancing at home, into us. and she's going to turn to the right,one, two, three. we place the gentleman's right hand on her shoulder, and we stop herhere. and then, we're just going to take her back out, five, six, seven, tap. we're goingto show you one more time. we have basic, one, two, three. slide it out, get ready,and wrap her in, three, and take her back
out. we can also do it on the other we go one, two, three, prepare, wrap her in, and take her back out. now, we can alsoadd a little back-and-forth step here. so that would look like this. after we prepare,we wrap her in, one, two, three. now here's where that reverse basic footwork comes intoplay. that's what the lady is going to be doing. so she starts with her left foot, ashe takes her to the other side. one, two, three. and he takes her back to the otherside, right, left, right. and then, we lift

up this hand; gentleman's right, lady's left;and unwind her so we end up back in our starting position. other side, we go one, two, liftit up. wrap her in, two, three. take her back-and-forth, six, seven. she's doing her reverse basicfootwork here. and unwrap, back to the beginning.
that's the cuddle.