how to start your own dance group

learn how to do popping dance style: how to"hit" or "pop" what up youtube? this is el tiro from theall-star dance troop, the body poets out of san diego, california.i've had more than a few requests from a lot of you subscribers on how to hit or how topop. before we go into this tutorial, i really want to make it clear, is that everythingyou see and learn here from this video is

how to start your own dance group, subjective. meaning, the people that i'm goingto use as examples and the way that i'm going to teach to you does not mean that that'sexactly how you hit or that's the only way you pop. in essence, there's no right or wronghere. i'm just going to teach you how i know how to do it. let's begin

the hit or the pop is the fundamental of thedance style called popping. at the end of the day, you can have the craziest tuts, thecraziest waves, the craziest tricks but if you are not doing the hit or hitting whenyou dance, or doing dimestops which are also considered hits, then you are not popping.i recently just took a workshop in chicago, from one of my favorite dancers of all time.his name is tempo. tempo has a lot of knowledge in all styles of dance including some fightingand martial arts. so what he told me start doing when you pop or hit is to actually takea breath like a boxer does when he fights. so especially if this is the first time you'retrying to pop, i want you to actually take that breath, that exhale when you hit. whati'm going to teach you today is how to hit.

let's start with our arms.what i want you to do is take your left arm out, and lock it. then bring it in just alittle bit, so you have a little room to contract your muscles and flex your whole entire want to flex everything, from hand, your fingers, your wrist, your forearm, your biceps,your triceps, your shoulder. for now, i only want you to use that one armand kind of move wherever you like to go and practice that hit on a song with a very slowbut loud clap. for example it may feel silly, but what you want to start doing right now is building muscle memoryand the ability to contract and flex and control every single muscle in your body.once you've finished with your left arm, move on over to the right and do the exact samething. don't forget to exhale.

hitting is not discriminatory. and what imean by that is anyone can do it. you don't have to flex like arnold schwarzenegger topop or hit. it's time for your chest. go in front of yourbathroom mirror. take a deep breath and let your chest expand. put your hands on yourstomach like you got a really bad stomachache and take a deep breath, pushing your chest(stomach) in as your chest expands. now we're going to try a faster order to focus on your chest, i want you to put your hands to the side, clench yourfist really tight and try expanding and flexing your chest at the same time. don't forgetto breathe. let's give you some details. a real detailthat actually has a lot of effect on your

hit is your neck. you want to naturally startflexing your neck while you flex the rest of your body. don't want to describe it asbeing loose because i don't want you to be floppy. i want to describe it as tensing,tensing up. the next body part that i want you to workon is traps and shoulders, the hardest part. putting it all together, you want to use everysingle muscle in your body when you pop. in this tutorial, i only worked on a couple partson your upper body. other poppers will tell you to use your legs, your quads and breakdown your body even more into parts than i did. some poppers will even tell you to flexyour butt. now in your typical standard hitting tutorial,an instructor will give a form to kind of

how to start your own dance group

practice in popping. i'm not going to do thatbecause i want you to paint in an open canvas. the beauty of popping is that you can do anything.there's no rules, it's your own style. move as you want freely but remember it's not poppingunless you hit.

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