pomps?they're a kind of shoe. right? are they? (music) [camera man]okay. so... do you ever try women's clothing? ehh... no i've never... never tried...
second hand irish dancing shoes for sale, or actually have i? i tried a dress few times when i was drunk. i had good fun. so this is just straight on.
[camera woman]so you just go behind the curtain and then you just--- off the jeans as well? yeah, there's definitely a bang of regret coming off this thing. i don't know what's going on here. i feel like a baby. i feel like a giant hairy baby. yeah i feel pretty, uh... pretty loose. if i need to take a piss. if a lady, she's gotta take the full straps down. so you'd have to, uh?
[camera woman]why do you reckon it's called a playsuit? because it's like what babies wear when they play with each other. three?3 out of 10 maybe. it's itchy. it's quite ---it's quite an abrasive of fabric. comfort. uh, i give it a seven.7 out of 10. enough cushions. my boxers are way too long for this outfit.
so what, like a quarter inch of arse is just expected to be hanging out with you wearing these. yeah. you see the curve? you know, i'm just making sure me bogs don't hang out. i could wear a thong under this. these pockets are nonsense. you're not keeping anything in those. i've seen people wearing, like, these clothes in like, the coldest of winter days.
**** that like... okay, so playsuit was 3/10. i give these a 5/10. look at that! my legs look great. realized it really shows my knee cap off quite well. look at the curve on that! no pockets, no pockets actually. this thing lacks pockets here. so wallet there.
phone. keys, i guess? so you bend down to pick up some change, and then... yeah, you see the whole sha-bang. comfort, 10/10 for comfort. give it a strong, strong 8. this is just horrible. just gonna do this. i actually like crop tops a lot.
i am so horribly uncomfortable in this top. so there's some serious possibility of under-boob. [camera man]so why do you think it's called a crop top? uh, cause you are going to be cropped out of photos if you wear it out. no, it's not very warm at all. they're all great summer clothes. the problem is the pressure to wear them all year round, like, you know? yeah, who tricked women into this? like ---- i might get a crop top.
out of ten? i'd say 6. this is a 2. this is way--- there's a label right here that's just doing my knot in. ah! ah! holy shit. okay?
okay. hey. i'm pretty sure i've lost two toes in my left footjust trying to get that shoe on. it's pretty hard to stand in the same spot, and i'm not even drunk. i'ma feel so --- ****! i could imagine falling over a lot and being drunk, and people laughing at you. whoa ---
ooh! i almost ****ed your screen up there. yeah, drunk and on cobblestones, but they probably wear shoes that fit them. i feel like crushed on all sides by this shoe. your calves are, like, tense the whole time. so it's like, "oh, look at the definition." or maybe some guys find ladies with deformed toes attractive.
comfort? i'd give them, uh,a weak 3. like, negative 100 out of 10. just, high heels can go die in a fire. these are just the worst things. uh, i mean, i knew women had it hard, but --- whoa. i mean you always knew --- you always know, that like, you know
women's clothing is always --- is always like everyone says, always impractical. and it sucks. you need to lug around a bag because we want to see as much of your body through your clothes as possible. um... oh, if it's cold out, nah, you're not wearing sleeves or covering your midrift! ****ing stupid patriarchy ---
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