ladies and gentlemen,welcome to wedding ball, '95! thank you! thank you! this program hasbeen organized so that.. ..girls can choosetheir husband themselves. a boy and a girl will come on stage,one at a time..
custom made praise and worship dance garments, ..and tell us about their talents. so i request you allto come on stage one by one. move. let me go. hey! mister, stand in the queue.
has anyone ever got an opportunityby standing in a queue? if all the girls get over,then i'll remain a bachelor! okay, start. all the best. yes! what kind of a husband do you want? i'll be what you want me to be. i'll take care of the children,the food.. and during free time,in the evening, i'll dance for you. i dance very well. i'll dance slowly.
you can make me dance to your tunes. but nowadays, the family members of a boy.. there's nobody!there'll be no problem. i don't have any relatives. good! even then, i want a boy who'll be with me like a dog. if i go there, he should go there.if i go here, he should come here. you understand? where did he go? how did you like this dog?
look, i'm a new dog! i've never behaved like a dog,but i promise you that i'll.. ..become a real dog in a few days. but please don't refuse me.otherwise i'll feel so bad! i'll marry him.. - i'll marry him!i'll marry him.. - i'll marry him! nowadays dogs get so much respect! raju! raju!you sleep so much! wake up! hey! hey! who is it? what are you looking at?go and do your work.
are you my friend or my enemy? both. - sit. what is this? what's this nonsense? i had a very nice dream.there were girls all around me. i was even goingto marry one of them.. ..and you splashedwater all over my hopes. don't you want to have a sister-in-law?some nieces or nephews? don't you want meto have a happy family? you leave that to me. i'll get married and fulfill your wishes.
you fool, i'm elder to you.i'll marry first. i'll get that done too! raju, yesterday a driver cameto get his car repaired.. - yes. he has a daughter. i've spoken to him. we are going to see her next week! deepak! deepak,now you just wait and watch! i'll work really hard! i'll collectso much money for the wedding.. deepak, you don't know.i'm dying to get married. sir! coolie!give! is there more luggage?
no, there isn't. what's the need for a cooliefor such less luggage, sir? mister, this is your earn your living with this. why are you throwing awayyour livelihood? let's go. you're carrying veryheavy luggage, raju. yes, sir has a lot of moneyto give away. is it? hey, brother! sir! sir, your bag! what is this, sir?i'm a coolie, not a fraud.
you were leaving yourluggage behind and going? yes, take it. thank you! - mention not. you! you handed black-marketgoods to coolie no.1! come on! what is this, inspector? it's our work to carrythe luggage of the world. but it's your work to obliteratethe evil in this world. now will we have to do this work also? hey, smarty.. - yes, tell me.
today you got me arrested.but remember one thing dear. the day i'm out, arrange for fourcoolies to carry your bier, got it? did you see, sir?he is threatening me. why don't you finishoff such people in encounters? and you, listen.don't threaten me. i have no family. the world is my home,the bus stand is my residence. you can come whenever you name is raju. and people lovinglycall me coolie no.1. "earning money.."
"having fun.." "earning money, having fun.. ..carrying the burden of the world." "hard work is my life." "coolie number 1.i'm coolie number 1." "whenever i see an unmarried girl,i run behind her." "this singleness troubles me a lot.. ..and does not letme sleep in the night." "whenever he sees an unmarried girl,he run behind her."
"this singleness ofhis troubles him a lot.. ..and does not lethim sleep in the night." "it does not listen to me." "it does not understand my pain.." "it does not listen to me;it does not understand my pain." "my mind is crazy." "all my unfulfilled dreamswill fulfil one or the other day." "i'll have a lot of fun." "i agree that my pockets are empty..
..but i'm a king of hearts." "we'll enjoy a lot.." "a girl will come into my life.." "we'll enjoy a lot;a girl will come into my life." "i'll become a darling." it looks like the station's here. come on, priest! sir, should i carry your luggage?- don't touch it! you look like a thief!
what if you run away with my luggage? sir, don't give yourluggage if you don't want to. but don't call me a thief! i'm coolie no.1. here! see! forget it.forget it, dear. he is an old man. he made a mistake. go. go. - he's so stupid! priest, don't get him herethe next time.. .. otherwise i'll put him in a sackand throw him in the luggage room! yes. okay. okay. carry on.
why do you always fight with people? come on, let's talk about work. did you see! i got your son'smarriage fixed in such a nice house! yes, that is true. they gave you rs.50,000 cash as dowry. - softly. they've given 100 grams ofjewelry for your daughter-in-law. talk softly. softly.- they gave your son a ring of 12.5 grams. priest, no one should hear this! look, i did give me my commission.
commission? - yes, commission. how much? - rs.1000. rs.1000! - yes, only rs.1000! okay, come and collect it tomorrow. why tomorrow? why not today? i already told youi don't have it today. come and take it tomorrow. - hey, you old man! give it today itself! i completely forgot, priest!you want your commission, don't you? take it, keep this.
wow, sir! you are giving memy commission at a very good time! old man, give us whatever you have! run, priest! run! hey girl,where are you running off to? give me your bag. - my purse! give me! - my purse! my wallet! hey! where are you running! idiots! they're spoilingthe name of our bus depot.
get up, you old man. give. - apologize to him. please forgive me, dear.i made a very big mistake. i spoke so badly about you. dear, you saved my did me a favor. sir, i charge forwork and not for favors. don't take money,but you can at least shake hands. i enjoy shaking hands with brave men. it's a strong hand.
hey, smile!smile at least! i am priest shaadiram. coolie no.1. - wow! look priest.. - yes. we'll have to see thegirl and go back tonight. yes, of course,but have you reserved your tickets? yes, we've got it done. hey, who threw this luggage? - i did. no.1, be careful while throwing. had this boy got hurt, hismarriage would have been postponed.
you all go ahead.- come on, dear. - i will join you. what type of a man are you! come down. priest. - yes! where are you going now? - why? are you from the bride'sside or from the groom's side? from the groom's side. that's keep changing like a chameleon. sometimes you're from the bride's sideand sometimes from the groom's side. this is my business.i fix marriages. am like a broker.
my name is shaadiram gharjode. gharjode? - yes! are you married? you're asking me nowwhen i don't need you. - why? what happened?- i have a friend, deepak mechanic. he has proposed my let's see what happens. that means i've lost my commission. yes, that's true. - i'm making a move. priest. - what is it?- where are you going? sheerpur. - sheerpur..- to introduce a girl to a boy.
really? - to earn money. how is the girl? - how's the girl! she's like this. he's a goner! priest, this girl is very beautiful.i am in love with her. priest, do one thing. - what? you get my girl married tohim and get me married to this girl. i agree! priest!- hey, no.1, come to your senses, dear. you can't marry this girl. - why? she belongs to a very rich family.
even if this girl was poor,it would've been okay for me. tell her to come tomy house empty handed. give me the'll get me beaten up too. she has 10 servantslike you in her house. priest. - what is it? tell her that .. .. if she agrees to marry mei'll work as a servant in her house. who will talk to this idiot? priest, tell her at least!i will love her a lot!
this means you'll doa porter's job there as well! i am a porter! so i'll obviouslydo a porter's job, won't i? i won't arrange marriages like you! aunty, why hasn't your son mr. hoshiyarchand come as yet? here i am! - greetings.. - greetings! my name is chaudhary hoshiyarchandshikarpur baroodwala. pleased to meet you. what are you doing? you might be glad to meet me,but there is no..
..guarantee whether i'llbe happy after meet you. what is it?- what are you doing? they are guests! they've been waitingfor you for so long! let them wait! i did not invite them! anybody comes and youlet them inside the house! what is it? have youcome here to ask for donation? no sir, do we look like that? let's have a properintroduction first. my name is shaadiram gharjode.i arrange marriages.
that means you're a marriage broker. how come you are here? i came to know that yourdaughter is now ready for marriage.. ..that's why i'vebrought a boy with me. this is the boy's father mr. shyamsunder.- greetings! this is the boy, guddu. - greetings! this is his mother.- greetings! so? - call your daughter.the boy will see the girl. if they both like each other..
..then we can discuss the rest later. malati! malati.. - shut up! till i order you,you won't utter a word! let me examine them!let me assess them through my tests. if i approve of their reputation.. ..only then my daughter will comebefore them. got it, you deaf man? yes, brother-in-law. which vehicle did you travelin from your city till here? the bus.
what! the bus! the bus! this meansyou came in a bus with the.. ..dreams of making a richgirl your daughter-in-law! even the beggar,who comes to beg at my door.. ..comes in a car, and thesepeople don't even have a car! they are such low class people! look sir.. - what are you saying? shut up, you old lady? i'm very angry! and you, mr. broker..
shall i tell you whatkind of a son-in-law i want? someone who is at least 40 times .. superior in terms of wealth,prosperity and status. the number of servantsin his house should be.. ..more than thepopulation of his village. even if he goes to buy vegetables,he should go in his car.. ..and not go hanging in a bus! and don't bring such shamelesspeople the next time.. ..who keep sitting evenafter being abused so much!
priest, what did we doto you that you brought us here? these people have insulted us so much! let's go. - get lost.. - go! you're behaving this way with people.. .. inspite of beingthe father of a daughter! your daughters willsit at home forever. so should i get them marriedto beggars! go and sit down! daughters are sitting at home!and you! why are you sittinghere with your head hung ..
.. like the cronyof a defeated leader? come on! get out! get out! i am going.but i will surely come back. there is no need foryou to come here again. no. i'll surely come to meet you. for what? i won't be at peacetill i meet you again. are you threatening me? no. i'm not threatening you.but i will surely come to meet you.
i will surely come to meet you. coolie! you've brought a coolie's.. ..marriage proposal to my house.- deepak. so what? i'm sorry to say,but even you're no king. even you're just a driver.- yes, so what if i'm a driver? i'm still a respectable man. i drive a car worth lakhs of rupees. what is a coolie? what is a coolie? someone who's bornon the footpath and..
..dies in a governmenthospital without a coffin. and even if i agree toget my daughter married to you.. ..and if buses go on strike,then you will surely starve to death. but what will you feed my daughter? that's none of your business.she is my wife. i will beg and feed her.that is none of your business. see! he has himself agreedthat he is a beggar! a beggar! i'll hit you!who're you calling a beggar? you expect me to call you a king!
go! go and carry luggage! coolie! who's not a coolie in this world? some carry the burden of sorrow,some carry the burden of loans.. ..and some carry the burden of life! and you're a burden on this earth! the day you die, i'll goand offer coconuts in the temple! hey girl, i like you,but i don't like your father! i don't want to get married here. you can leave him if you want.- forget it.
forget it, raju. come on, let's go. raju, the bus has come. let's go. you go. for whom should i earn? i'm not even getting married. you go. come on! - just go! - i'm going. 'and you, mr. broker.. ..shall i tell you whatkind of a son-in-law i want?' 'someone who is at least40 times my superior..' ' terms of wealth,prosperity and status.'
'the number of servantsin his house should be..' '..more than thepopulation of his village.' 'even if he goes to buy vegetables,he should go in his car..' '..and not go hanging in a bus!' what happened, no.1? what? why are you sitting like this? you went to see a girl, didn't you?is the wedding finalized? forget the girl andlet the wedding go to hell! why? what happened?
that driver! he told me that coolies take birth.. ..on the footpath and die ina municipal hospital without a coffin! what is he then? i went to see his daughterand he insulted me! he'll die in a car accident! do you like this girl? priest, i'm very angry!that driver has already insulted me! if even you try to insult me,it won't be good for you.
first open your eyes and lookat this girl's photograph at least. now you've come to your senses! hey, that driver insulted me so much! you were saying that thisgirl comes from a very rich family. how much will i beinsulted in her house? no one will insult you!you're my friend, aren't you? from now on,your insult is like my insult.. ..and my insult is like your insult. look, your task is to marry this girl.
and my task is to teachthis girl's father a lesson. can you lie a little? no, i haven't lied yet..- you'll have to lie! you love her, don't you? - yes. everything is fair in love. come here. priest, i can't understandthe charade you're planning. he is in love with that it's the matter of his life. tell me what has to be done? arrange for some good clothes for him. - it'll be done. what else?
and... arrange for an imported car.- car.. - yes. here it is. here's the car. mercedes. it's come for repair. the owner of this car won'tbe back for a month. is it okay? absolutely okay! deepak! priest.. - yes. you won't get me embroiledin something, will you? deepak.. - yes.- will you take care of me?
you don't worry! i'm there with you! no.1, now he's not yourfriend and i'm not a priest. he is your driverand i'm your secretary. now behave like a rich man.. - yes. don't jump around like a uselessfellow like you do at the bus stop. that's right.- and act as i've taught you. sit behind calmly, come on. hey! what happened?- the car seems to have broken down.
what a useless car you've brought! it broke down inthe middle of the road! wait! wait! wait! do you have a spanner of size 16-17? my car has broken down. sorry! actually, the chief engineeris waiting for me at the site. i am in a hurry.- chief engineer! where? at the site, where thework of the factory is going on. which factory?
cement factory. don't you know, sir? a very big cement factoryis being built over there. yes, sir. okay, sir, i'll make a move. i have to take sir for inspection. - okay. what a village! shalini! shalini! shalini! where did i get stuck! she's the girl from the photo. where are you!
what happened to her? sister! "i am going.. - why so early?" hey! what is going on! what is going on! uncle! - uncle! what are you both doingwith these unknown boys? go home. go home. go, go. go home. go. don't look behind! go.
you! who are you?- i've eaten food and come. is there a hotelin this village? hotel. bottle? i don't drinkduring the day time. put this in his ears. is there a five-starhotel in this village? there isn't even a guest house.. will there bea five-star hotel here! then where will the prince stay?
he has come to thisvillage the first time. prince! is he a prince? yes! he is the richest man in asia. mahendra pratap,son of gajendra pratap! then what is he doing in our village? he is starting acement factory! cement! secretary, when you knew .. ..that there is no five-starhotel in this village.. ..then you should'vebuilt one before i came.
sorry, sir. - we would have donatedit to the villagers before going. 'this prince will be agood match for my niece malati!' where will we stay now? you all will stay in my house!in my house! are we going through such bad times.. .. that we have tostay at a beggar's house? it is different thati look like a beggar.. ..but i belong to a good family. you all will stay in my house!i won't listen to you! you..
uncle, you will stay in my house! driver, get sir's car quickly.that big car is yours, isn't it? yes, it is. "competition." sit with the driver! sit! come on, drive the car, driver! my shirt is sexy.. my pant is sexy.. my cap is glares are sexy too..
who's this blind beggarwho has entered my house? you didn't recognize mebecause of my stylish attire! i've heard this voice somewhere. i'm your brother-in-law! govardhan!have you got a job in a circus? these are not circus clothes! they're imported clothes! made in usa! then how did you get all this? brother-in-law, a prince has come.. our village, from singapore! brother-in-law,he has more 100 rupee currency notes.. ..than the hair on your body! this shirt, these shades,this cap, he has given me all this! smell this! why are you making a face? it's perfume! have youever smelt such fragrance before? brother-in-law, i think we should.. ..make him theson-in-law of our house. brother-in-law, your daughterwill definitely be very happy.
and he might even buyus some small country! he might buy us a country!have you gone nuts! i'm sure it's some cheat,fraudster or conman.. ..who you're consideringto be a prince! sweets. i'll get it. wait! this thing has come outof your ear! put it in! put it fast! put it inside. i'm saying that hemight be a fraudster! and you're taking him to be a prince!
brother-in-law,you suspect everyone for no reason. he is not a fraudster,but he is very rich! rich! - he is the boss of 840 factories! his servants have more money than you! okay! okay!but where did you find this man? such men are notfound by the roadside! i've kept him in my house. but what is that mandoing in our village? he is building avery big cement factory!
cement factory? - yes! what are you saying?- yes! - so, where... is he now? he's gone to see the site for the.. ..cement factory wherehe'll build the factory! let's go! brother-in-law. brother-in-law! let's go. so this is that place. no.1, we'll have to traphoshiyarchand chaudhary right here.
deepak, you do this.go to that engineer and trouble him. i mean bore him.i'm coming, you go. go quickly. sir, which film is being shot here? there's no shootinggoing on over here. this is survey work. move aside. - why are you joking, sir? first, you're lookingthrough the camera.. ..and then you're sayingyou're not shooting! why are you troubling me?the work for the.. ..cement factoryis going on over here.
why are you troubling sir?why are you troubling him? get lost! go.. - okay. sir, these villagers arefoolish and they talk a lot! they don't let anyone work!one engineer got so fed up.. ..of them that he jumped into a well!- what are you saying? yes! but you don't worry.i'm sitting over there. if anyone comes to trouble you,then send him to me. i'll take care of him, okay? you're a coolie and ihave to carry things around!
stand straight. - keep quiet!he's come! come on, sit properly! such a strange man! what is going on over here, sir? don't ask me! our boss issitting over there. go and ask him. you won't tell me.. - no. secretary.. - yes, sir. look, my cement factory will be.. ..built over there,where that small bush is. - yes. sir, the engineer is workingas per your orders, sir.
very good. okay, cement factory should be.. ..400 feet under the groundand only 100 feet over the ground. so that the world does notcome to know how big my factory is. and my helicopter... myhelicopter will.. on the helipadthat you'll make there. and behind this,behind this make a railway platform. railway platform? for what, sir? how will the goods be delivered?how will the goods be delivered? but sir, permission for that..- you don't worry about that.
i've spoken to the prime minister.- very good, sir! prince.. - what is it? the railwayplatform hasn't been made yet.. ..and people have alreadycome to work as coolies! coolie.. - no, the beggarsof the village tend to come, sir. you don't worry. i'll handle them. you do one thing,employ him as a worker.. - yes, sir. okay listen. it's very hot here. i'll go and sit inmy ac bc dc car. - okay. umbrella.. - i am coming.- what is it? what is it?
no... i had heard of an ac this bc dc car very big? my sir has very many big cars! you go! we'll employ you.hey! you've come back again! you old man! he is a very rich man!he is very rich! i will definitely getmy daughter married to him! i'll beg of him!i'll work as a servant in his house! i'll tell him, oh rich man, please.. ..marry the daughter of this poor man!
come fast! come fast! sister, why have wecome to uncle's house? listen, do one thing,you wait at the door. if anyone comes, signal me softly.i'll just be back. shalini! come on! - sister.. "come! come! come! come!" "whenever you are not in a good mood,come to me." "whenever you want to love me,come to me." "whenever you miss me, come to me."
"whenever you want to seewith appreciation, come to me." "darling, whenever youdon't feel sleepy in the night.." "when your youthstarts troubling you.." "when your heartbeatstrouble you and create magic.." "when seasons misbehave with you.." "when your face starts glowing,come to me." "when desperatenesscrosses its limits.." "when you cannot liveyour life alone.." "come close to me,hug me and talk everything out."
"never wait, come to me." if my daughter'smarriage gets finalized.. ..i'll give you innumerable sweets. no.1, that old man has come! come on, start your act!get up! are you ready? yes, i remember everything. - coat! no! no! this is not possible!this is impossible, prince! why is it not possible?- you are so rich.. ..and that hoshiyarchandchaudhary is a beggar!
and you want to marry his daughter! your servants are better off than him! i love his daughter! i love her! but.. - stop it! i don'twant to listen to anything else. but it'll be against yourstatus to marry the daughter.. ..of this ordinary man! love does not careabout religion, caste.. .. affluence or poverty, secretary. love is blind!
so what if chaudhary'sstatus is low today? after i marry his daughter,i'll donate 2-3 factories to him.. ..and after that,his standard will automatically rise. wow! no! no, prince!don't do this even by mistake! if your dad comes toknow about this in singapore.. ..he'll be very angry. now let anything happen,but i'll marry her! i won't let you marry her!
what are you doing, secretary? why are you ruining someone'slove story with the decadence of age? who gave you permission to come in? in such matters,i'm ready to even go to jail! and this is,after all, a matter of marriage! and prince, you don't worry.i'll get you married. i'm there. you've definitely donesome black magic on the prince.. ..and made yourdaughter go behind him. otherwise an ordinaryperson like you..
why are you going on sayingordinary for the last one hour! my brother-in-lawhas 100 acres of land. 100 acres? - yes! he has a bathroom of101 acres in singapore. i'll call up his dad!- mr. secretary.. what are you doing, mr. secretary? being a secretary, you are separatingtwo lovers! try to understand! you try to understand!you don't know his dad's anger. at the drop of a hat hebrings out a bomb and not a gun.
we'll get them married in a few days!he won't even come to know! and what after the wedding? after the wedding, we'll fallat his feet and ask for forgiveness. we'll say they're children!they made a mistake! forgive them! that's it! you see all that! i won't do anything!- you... take, take all this. happy? is the wedding finalized now? the wedding is finalized!the groom is lucky! congratulations! congratulations!
priest, this will bedistributed among three people! can we come in?- why are you asking, sir? enter our hearts, enter our souls,enter and reside in our eyes! when you ask for permissionto come in, it seems.. if a king isbegging from a beggar! we've come to finalizethe date for the wedding. we've brought some token gifts. dear, token gifts. - yes. how about the 17th?- great, sir!
hey. son, why have you come alone? why didn't your father come with you? what are you doing, mother? father... do you wantthis marriage to break? hoshiyar, don't try to act too smart. at least go and seetheir house in the city? what is grandma saying? nothing. she's asking me togo and see your house in the city.
what is the need for that? you can. you can see it wheneveryou want to. we have no objection. if they're saying,why don't you go and see it? okay, mother. i'll do that too. i'm going to the city tomorrow,to buy the jewelry. i'll see your bungalow also! which bungalow? what do you mean by which bungalow? he means,which bungalow would you like to see?
malabar hill,pali hill or the one at juhu scheme? we'll show you whicheveryou want to see. see! they have so many bungalows!you just complain needlessly! any... any... any bungalow! so come to our juhu scheme bungalow. it's called 'raj mahal'. has your hand got stuck with glue? you go in!you go in! you get the car! come on! priest, i hope you don'tget me arrested for fraud.
instead of breaking stones in jail.. .. it's better i do the coolie's job. no.1, don't worry. the bungalow that i'mgoing to show hoshiyarchand.. given on rent for shooting films. see! this is the bungalow! why did you stop here? take it inside. it'll add to our status.- forget status! they'll hit me! if we take the car inside,we'll have to come out walking.
this car belongs to this house .. .. and the owner mightbe searching for me. get down. - okay. you wait here.we'll go inside and come. don't wait here! wait at the turning.we'll come walking. fool! he brought the car here. what an awesome bungalow, priest! i'll remove my shoes outside.- what are you doing, no.1? consider this bungalow yours now.- how can i consider it mine? i haven't seen such abungalow even in a photograph!
i'll show you. come. hello! we want to meetthe owner of this bungalow. i'm the owner. - hello, sir. we want to shoot in this bungalow. i wanted to talkto you regarding this. look, i'm going to singapore.i have a flight to board. he is my manager. talk to him. yes, surely! surely! surely! look, whatever you want to say,say it fast.
i have to go to the airport with sir. we're making a very bigtv show with 420 episodes. 420, a love story. - correct. i mean... this bungalowis its main hero! the rest are not so important. our director wantsto see this bungalow. okay, you can callhim whenever you want to. he'll be here this evening.- at 5 o'clock. is this a bungalowor the state of bengal?
my son-in-law! how did you like the bungalow? my daughter... my daughter willrule... will rule in this bungalow! this is just an example. this is nothing in frontof his other bungalows. stand up. stand up. nothing..- yes, stand up, mr. hoshiyarchand. mr. secretary,what a proposal you've got! son-in-law! i'm ready! i am ready!
very good..- clarinet! clarinet! she's come! first drink milk at least! even if you tell me to drink poison,i'll do it. don't talk like that. oh god! i could never evenimagine that i would marry you. even i was thinking the same. look at me, and look at you.
i wonder how you must befeeling in this small house of ours. oh yes! father wastalking a lot about.. ..that bungalow of yours,which is in juhu. - bungalow! yes! we'll go to bombaytomorrow and start staying there. the bombay weather is quite bad. the weather is verynice in the village! i don't feel likegoing anywhere from here! it's so embarrassing!my friends will taunt me. and say that such a rich husband ..
..but he's still sittingin his in-laws' house! we'll go to bombay tomorrowitself and stay in the juhu bungalow. why are you just talkingabout the bungalow? well, we'll see all that tomorrow. don't spend this night dreamingabout the bungalow at least! no! first you promise me that you'll.. ..take me to the bungalow tomorrow. okay, i'll take youto the bungalow tomorrow. you're such a nice bungalow..
oh, i mean... you'resuch a nice husband! i've heard there aremany rooms in the bungalow. yes, many.- and the garden is also very big! it's quite big. - and there isa temple inside too. - yes, there is. and there are 15-20 cars also! there are 30-40 buses also. our bungalow is asbeautiful as heaven! - wow! okay, grandma, i am going! dear, don't forget this oldlady after going to your bungalow.
no! shalini! - sister! father! son, we've taken verygood care of our angel! today when she is going away from us,i'm feeling very sad! i don't feel like sending her away! i can't see you all crying! now i won't leave thishouse and go anywhere! i'll always stay here.come on in, malati.. - no! no!
i was saying allthis for formality sake. girls have to go. and actually,the daughter's father has to.. ..put up an act of crying whenshe leaves after getting married. all this is just a practice.go, dear. go. go. go. uncle? uncle? fool, what are you doing here?this is not a toy. get down. get down. - i won't get down. even i'll come withyou to the bungalow. what is he doing in the car?
dear, this is our family custom. after a girl gets married,her uncle goes along with her.. ..and only after she settles down,he comes back. govardhan,take care of them the entire day. always be with them, andtake care of the bungalow specially. get up in the morning and water.. ..the plants and takecare of the accounts. the accounts will bein lakhs and crores of rupees. there should be no problem.
no brother-in-law, there'llbe no problem as long as i'm there. i'll be stuck to themthe entire day like glue. inside. inside.. - sit on my lap. my dear fool. did you see hoshiyarchand'scleverness, mother? finally i got my daughtermarried to a prince! is there anyone asclever as me in the world? the house! the house! where is it? wow! is this the bungalow?
it's indeed very beautiful! ..did you like it?- it's very beautiful! this one! it must be like heaven from inside! come on, let's take the luggage inside.- wait a minute. first i'll go inside and see. - why? i want to see how dad's mood is. suit! what is the need for a suit?let's go inside in these clothes! you deaf man! not suit! mood!
they got marriedwithout his permission. yes malati, let me go inside first. i don't want dad to do anything.. ..inauspicious when you enterthe house for the first time. secretary, come with me. will you do one thing, mr. priest? - tell me. blow up the whole housewith a bomb and blow me up too. why? - the entire problem will be over. oh, don't worry no.1,have faith in god.
how dare you stepinto this house! get out! look, dad,i was rotting in jail, and you.. being a father didn'teven come to bail me out. your father is deadfor you and you are for me. you have no right overthis house and property. as a son,i have a right on this bungalow. if you don't give it to me,i can go to court and take it. priest! this boy is a thug.i had got him arrested. now he is filing acase against his father.
so you also file acase against your father. i don't have a father,so who will i file a case against? that old man up there. why will i file a case against him? you, silly goose,for malati and her uncle.. ..this old man is your father. why didn't this idea come to me?- come on. uncle. uncle! yes. - will his father be angry at him?
even if he gets angry, it doesn'tmatter. it's such a big house. you can live here withouthaving to see his face. and it'll be good if he passes away. leave my hand, secretary! softly, your voice shouldn'tbe heard inside the bungalow. i will destroy the singapore family! what does he think of himself? don't i have any rightsover this bungalow? i will send him a notice!i will fight a case against my father!
and i will step inside thisbungalow only after winning the case! otherwise,my name isn't prince mahendra pratap! i am going! but i will seizethis bungalow from you! yes, yes,if you've had your mother's milk .. .. then seize thisbungalow and show me! yes, yes, i will seize it! - yes. i'll show you that i haveyour blood running in my veins! and if you're my father,then i'm even more stubborn than you.
calm down, prince, calm down.- calm down, my foot! all this has happened becauseof your calmness. - my calmness? he refuses to accept mywife as his daughter-in-law! even if he searches the whole world.. ..he won't find sucha good daughter-in-law, uncle. what is he saying? he's saying why he's gota bride from a lower class family. don't repeat the words of my father,secretary. uncle.. - i can tolerateanything but not my malati's insult.
i will become a coolie. - coolie? i will sleep at the bus-stand. but till the case doesn'tget over i will not enter this house. deepak. deepak, i'm calling you. come here. - hello, sir. where were you for so many days? where did you disappear with this car? and why is this car so decorated?
that.. - oh, so you leasesir's car for weddings. - no, no, no. who are these people? they are my relatives. sir, i'll drop themhome and get the car back. you mean such commonpeople will sit in sir's car? come on, park the car inside. can you see my dad's anger? he even took away the car from me. hey, uncle! - yes?
do you still want to stay inthis house like a shameless person? no, no. - if ones hands andlegs are fine then taxi is there. taxi! the taxi driver won't let morethan four people sit in the taxi. you do this, uncle. - yes. you go back to the village.- i won't go back to the village. brother-in-law hastold me to stay with you. deepak, do one thing.send uncle in another taxi. go. deepak, send uncle.
come, uncle. - yes. i'll reach you there.- don't cry, malati. it's just a matter of a few days. i will easily win the case.we anyway have a bungalow here. sit. shift inside. come, i will take you around. who is sitting on the horse? chhatrapati shivaji. hail shivaji!
i'll kill all the sinners. uncle! uncle! uncle, listen to me.sit here. first sit down. uncle, i will get the taxi here. till then, sit here.don't go anywhere. where will i go?this is an unknown city for me. i'll just sit here and wait for you. very good. i will go to the bungalow in a taxi. hail shivaji! chhatrapati shivaji!
here's the money. hey! come on!to the side! to the side! priest, will poor malati stay here? what can we do?i know the place isn't nice. but... there, she's come. listen. - yes. are we going to stay here? impossible, secretary.what are you saying? from singapore to mumbai, my family'sreputation will go to the dogs.
dear, look how stubborn he is. he fought with his father.he's filed a court case. he will win the case but.. will take at least 15 days,one month or even a year. i don't care about all this.i'll stay at.. ..the bus stand but i'llnever stay in such a place. at least there you get some air.right, malati? you can stay at the bus stand butmahendra pratap's daughter-in-law.. ..will never stay at the bus stand,understood?
oh, now i's a joint plan of yours and dad's. you people want malati and me.. get kicked aroundfrom door to door.. ..and in the end fall atdad's feet and ask for forgiveness. isn't this the plan you both had? great, son, great!what a reward you've given me.. ..for my loyalty of so many years. dear, when he was very small,his mother passed away. since then, i have looked after him..
..without thinking of anything else.. ..and this is what he'sgiving me in return of all that. i want to die now, i want to die.. what are you doing?you are insulting mr. secretary. you have broken the heartof a father-like loyal person. you want a bungalow?- yes. - give me 10 minutes. i'll clean this house andmake it just like a bungalow. you will clean the house? - yes. look, look, look, she is such an..
..understanding wife andyou keep fighting with her. long live my daughter. hey, priest. - yes. give me some money for the's my first day in the city. money for expenses? - yes, give. this is the first client,who's asking.. ..for money from the brokerwho got the marriage arranged. you're concerned about money. i am concerned about the girl.- take rs.100.
please, come in.- yes, yes, coming. i am going. - go, go. oh, what is this? you've picked up theluggage just like a coolie. coolie? for you i can even become a coolie! "feet are burning inthe scorching afternoon.." "..beloved, feet are burning." "take me in your arms, hold my hands."
"i am feeling hot inthe scorching afternoon.." " queen, i am feeling hot." "give me the shade of your tresses." "days of spring have passed away.. ..the weather of heat has arrived." "the color of mybeauty may fade away." "come i will cover you with my love." "i will apply the fragranceof rose on your fair color." "feet are burning here and there..
..beloved, feet are burning." "i am feeling hot inthe scorching afternoon.. queen, i am feeling hot." "feet are burning inthe scorching afternoon.. "i will wipe thesweat from your body." "give me your drape's shelter." "don't know when our unison'swhether is going to come." "why are you so impatient?" "why are you so restless?"
"night of our meetingis going to come soon." "feet are burning in your city,my queen, feet are burning." ..beloved, i am feeling hot." hey, move aside! move aside! whose letter is it, father? it's malati's letter.- what's she written? you don't need to be so happy. it says that her father-in-law.. ..has kicked her husband,i mean the prince out of the house.
oh god! - now they'restaying in some other bungalow. it is also written thatthe silly goose govardhan said.. ..he's leaving for the village. but why hasn't he reached by now? mother, there issurely something wrong. son, why don't you go to mumbai? - yes. go and see what the matter is. should i tell you one thing? for the first time in life,you've said something sensible.
i am going. raju, should i tell you something? you got married. now get me married to yoursister-in-law shalini, please! i'll slap you hard!look at you and look at her. she is a millionaire's daughter .. ..and you are justan ordinary mechanic! great! at least i am better than you. i am at least a're just a coolie.
showing off. - sorry, dude, i had forgotten. it's alright. dude, acting like a millionaire.. ..i've literallystarted feeling as if.. millionaire parentsare there in singapore. raju, stop day dreaming. this is not singapore.this is a bus stand. i know. today i left home,telling my wife that..
..i will send a noticeto my father, today. but when there is no father,who do i send the notice to? i've to get home in the evening too. what will you do till then? the same old business, coolie no.1. there, your bus has arrived. hey! move aside! move aside! come on, move aside, come on! hey! come on, move aside!
i am ruined! i am devastated! i gave him my daughter consideringhim to be a rich person.. ..considering him to be a prince! he cheated me!he turned out to be a coolie! he.. hey, what do you mean 'turned out'?i am a coolie. why are you shouting? oh, my son-in-law. my son-in-law. why are you putting up this act? i'm feeling very heart is in my stomach.
my stomach has come to my feet. and i am touching your son-in-law. my son-in-law. my son-in-law. - have you gone mad? have you gone crazy? if you can't see with youreyes then put your spectacles on. if you can't see with your spectaclesthen look through binoculars. he's going on calling me son-in-law!mad man! - who is this old man? he must've gone and bitten a mad dog.- okay. or his son-in-law musthave left his daughter.
or maybe he's lying dead somewhere. that's why he has gone mad. no, i am not mad. he is my son-in-law. your son-in-law has gone to hell. what? - gone to hell. i know him since ages. he is our raju. why are you lying witha beard on your face? hey, why are you lyingwith a moustache on your face? he is our elder.don't talk to him like this.
otherwise, what will you do?- what will i do? i will give you.. ..such a whack that your nosewill start bleeding. understand? you will hit me? your behavior is not worth loving you.- what? come on, get on with your business. don't waste your time behind a mad man.- let's get going. somebody listen to me!at least somebody believe me! listen to the story of a cheated.. ..father-in-law andhis fraudster son-in-law!
sir, do you want yourluggage to be carried? bring three more cooliesand carry my bier. what?- get lost from here. hey, malati! malati, maltu. maltu. are you angry becausei've come back late? look, i've brought a garland for you. give me that garland.i will put it in my hair. this voice sounds likefather-in-law's voice. - is it?
father-in-law!i am sorry i didn't see you. but i saw you... at the bus stand. what are you saying, father-in-law? and why are you crying, malati? will she jump anddance instead of crying? if a girl's husband is a coolie,what is she going to do? coolie? who is a coolie?- you! father saw you working as a coolie.. the bus stand with his own eyes.
i will work as coolie?i? prince mahendra pratap? hey, don't take the nameof prince mahendra pratap! the prince has gone into the lied to me! you are a coolie,coolie, coolie, coolie! what father-in-law,you are annoyed with someone else. and you're taking youranger out on someone else. the one you saw wasmy twin brother raju. now this is a new drama.don't get fooled by it. liar! okay, so you peoplethink it is a drama.
i'll just show you. just a minute. you can see this with your own eyes. come, see. wasn't this the coolie you saw? what do you mean by he was?he is... you are this coolie. he is my twin brother. he wasn't there till yesterday. from where did he appear today? and how did he becomeso big today itself?
this is a sad story. my younger brother hadacquired some bad habits. drinking alcohol,going to brothels, squandering money. fed up of his dirty habits.. father threwhim out of the house. and to insult my father,he started working as a coolie. today i had to pay for his mistake. the self respect for whichi left my father's house.. wife and father-in-lawrobbed me of that same respect.
i pity myself.i pity myself! i pity myself! no! what are you doing? we've realized thatwe misunderstood you. now we believe you. say, father, say it. yes, yes, even i have startedbelieving your story a little. serve the food. i am very hungry. yes, yes. come, come. come on. son-in-law. son-in-law.
he has gone to meetthe lawyer in the morning. lawyer? then dear,even i am going back to the village. going back to the village?why? you just came yesterday? so what? i came yesterday. i am going today.i will come back tomorrow again. why are you talking in riddles? oh, my dear, i had to see i met you. i wanted to meet son-in-law.i've even met him.
coincidentally,i even met younger son-in-law. younger son-in-law? dear, i was thinkingof marrying your.. ..younger sister to the prince'syounger brother, the coolie. what are you saying, father? you will marry yourdaughter to a coolie? he is not a coolie by birth. he is also an heir to the royal family. and how long will that old man live.he will also die one day. and when that happens,the property worth millions..
..will belong to the two brothers. then you all willstay in the bungalow. will move around in cars.lie on money. along with you, your youngersister's life will be made too. this is the shrewdnessof hoshiyarchand. there is no one as shrewd as me.what do you say? as you say, father. ladies and gentlemen.. i will show youmagic you've never seen before.
through this magic, i will separatea person's head from his body.. ..and will again fix it to his body. children, clap. is there any man who'd liketo come forward and get his head cut? uncle. - prince pratap!prince pratap! - is there any man? there he is. - no! you will bite? - no! you have come so late.should i serve dinner for you? no, i am very tired, i want to sleep.
where is father-in-law? he left for the village earlyin the morning. - okay. father.. father-in-law wentback to the village! father-in-law, father-in-law,father-in-law has gone back to village! "my heart is crazy in your love." "crazy in your love." "it's crazy, it's verydifficult to make it understand." "crazy heart." "i liked the simplicityof the beauty."
"i also kept worshipping the love." "i get relieved by seeing your face." "i am lost in your dreams.. ..i have becomecompletely unaware of the world." "never go away from my sight." "heart is crazy." "i won't leave my sweetheart's hand." "with a lot of difficulty we got an.. ..opportunity of expressing love."
"when restlessness troubles me.. ..i hold the impatience." "i want to kiss your lips,come in my arms, i will hold you." "come and hold me,says the passionate weather." sister! sister! - shalini! shalini, how are you? - i am fine. where is father? - i am here. father, what are you doing there?come inside. no, no, i am going to the bus stand.. meet younger son-in-law.come on, come on.. father, listen to me..- no, no. i'm going there. let's go inside. - let's go. 'raju coolie, wherever he is,immediately come near the microphone.' now who is shouting out my name? raju, big boss is searching for.. since a long time.- who is big boss? don't know. he is therein the room with the microphone. room with the microphone?- go and see. - yes, i am going.
raju coolie, wherever you are,come near the microphone. hey, move aside. raju.- what is he doing here? hey, wait up, son-in-law.where are you going? hey, don't call me son-in-law! okay, to-be son-in-law.- not even that. why shouldn't i call you that? you know, your other brotheris my daughter's husband. so? - no, no. i just gotto know that both of you are twins.
don't beat around the bush.spit it out, come on. the spit is that...oh, what are you saying.. i mean, you're a princeof such a big family. why do you work as a coolie here?it looks so bad. listen to me.why don't you stay with your brother? i can stay with 17 snakes in a hole.. ..but not with my brother. - but why? because...because on his advicemy father threw me out of the house.. insulting me.
i walked all the way fromsingapore to india, do you know? i didn't have a singlepenny in my pocket. i am not going to spare him. is it? - yes. so you won't listen to me? - leave it. you won't patch up with your brother?- no way. then i am going to meet your father. hey wait, why are you going to father?what are you doing? i will meet him and tell him,what is all this?
he lives like a king andthe children live like beggars. this is not done.i am going to cook up a storm. hey, which father are you going to?the one who doesn't exist? is anyone here? hey, open it. how does this gate open? it opens from here. i won't let you go inside the house. let me go inside.- don't meet my father. i will meet your father.
look, i am pleadingyou not to meet my father. oh, now you are you've agreed. okay, then,come my to-be son-in-law, come home. what will happen if i come there? first ask my brother,whether he will take me in or not. look, father-in-law,i respect you a lot. but if you want ourrelations to stay amicable.. ..and if you don't want malatiand my relationship to go sour.. ..then you won't talk aboutbringing my wastrel, drunkard..
..rogue brother home again. first listen to me! if you or your younger daughterwant to maintain a relationship.. ..with my younger brother .. ..then you will not seeme in this house ever again. never! father, look what you've done. you made him upsetwithout any reason at all. why do you want to disturbthe peace and harmony of my house?
nothing will happen.these are all empty threats. he is already my son-in-law.he can't do anything. i am worried about the other one. i am still to make him my son-in-law. i will secretly buy him a house. and will comfortably set his life. this is calledhoshiyarchand's shrewdness. deepak, i am tired. how long will this dramaof the court and the case go on?
if some day this oldman takes me to the court.. ..then i will be caught, dude. look, stretch itfor as long as you can. we can think of something new later. oh, the old man has come again. you handle him, i am off. i am tired of handling him. come.- where are you taking me? don't ask questions,just come with me.
but where are you taking me?- come on, get up. - hey! hey! why have you brought me here? look, son, youngsters shouldtalk to their elders with respect. hey, i am not goingto speak with respect. if you want to listento me then listen. alright, i will speak to youwith respect. and you don't. happy? now you sit here.i'll give you a surprise. what surprise will you give? old man, you can't giveme anything except trouble.
why has he brought her here?she is my sister-in-law. brother-in-law. - no, no, heis not your brother-in-law. - what.. he's not your brother-in-law. he is his younger brother.raju. he is unmarried. and she is my younger daughter,shalini. she is unmarried. i think your intentions are not good. why? - why are you stressingon the word 'unmarried' so much? i will tell you. dear, do one thing.get some tea for this unmarried...
..oops, raju. - yes. - quickly. you laugh so much. sir, from today,you will stay in this house. me? have you ever heardof a lion staying in a mouse trap? but it is very important thatyou stay in this house. - get lost. you will not stay in this house?- come on, don't irritate me. you will not stay in this house?- come on, move aside. okay? then i am goingto meet your father. hey, where are you going?- i am going. - where..
i will go to your father's house.i will scream there. i will break the vessels.i will tear the curtains. have you gone mad?- yes, i have gone mad. listen. i will stay here. what?- i will stay here. you are great. - i know. it will be even more greatif you become the son-in-law.. ..of this great person. who will become the son-in-law? - you.
whose son-in-law? - mine. have you gone mad?- i am going to your father. listen, you are talkingabout a son-in-law? - yes. okay, alright, tell me further. so the son-in-law bit is done. from now onwards,you won't work as a coolie. then, should i become a broker? yes. no!drive a taxi. i'll buy you one. there is double benefit in that.
less labor, more profit. okay, i will thinkabout it and tell you. i am going. - to meet my father? yes.- i will drive the taxi. you keep on laughing. hey my, to-be son-in-law. what are you doing?what are you doing? what are you doing?- why is he throwing our luggage? whose luggage is this? pick it up.
hey, everyone, listen to me. from today, my to-be son-in-lawwon't carry anybody's luggage. so should i get myself carried off? - quiet! he is not a coolie from today.he will drive a taxi. his own. give me the! this is your taxi's keys. you keep laughing, dude. deepak, this love provedto be very expensive, dude. raju, you should be happy. look, hoshiyarchand bought you a taxi.
a driver's life is muchbetter than a coolie's life. you will earn more. isn't it? fool, he hasn't bought me this taxi. he has bought this taxi for raju,the coolie. with whom he wants to gethis younger daughter shalini married. no, no, i won't marry her.are you mad? now i'm thinking whetheri should stay with malati.. ..or hoshiyarchand orwhether i should drive a taxi.. ..or do the work of a coolie..- raju, look.
who is this man?i have seen him somewhere. you have seen him many times.he is your wife's maternal uncle. the poor guy is in such a condition.- hey, listen. the prince,the prince has come to take me. prince! - why did you bring me here? i'm dead!- prince, wait. prince, it's me. prince! i won't let go, prince!i am telling you for so long. prince, please stop the taxi. save me! prince, please stop the taxi.
stop the taxi, prince.prince, i will fall. prince! fool, do you want to die? raju, he's stuck like glue. prince! prince! prince! prince! prince in the clothes of a coolie? is he a coolie? today i will trouble him so much.. ..that he will surelythrow me out of the house. hey, who are you? where are you?
my son-in-law! - move. i was waiting.. - keep your hands off. ..for you since a long time.- why were you waiting? why are you after me like some old,haggard woman? are you my wife?what are you sniggering for? my sweet son-in-law,should i serve you dinner? is this the time for dinner? - then? go get some soda water,get a glass and some ice, come on. soda water? is your stomach upset?
you are drilling my brain for so long. i don't have an upset stomach.i want to drink alcohol? yuck! - till i don't have alcohol,i can't sleep at night. you felt bad? - yes. at least now throw meout of the house. - no. - why? drinking alcohol is not bad.but drinking cheap alcohol is bad. i have a good brand of alcohol,i will get that. the old man is justnot falling into my trap. what is this? - bottle.
is it a bottle or a complete hotel?- there's alcohol in this. i won't drink this?- i will make you drink this. this won't make me high.- i will make you high. i'm telling you! what are you doing?- just open your mouth. it is so bitter.are you making me drink this neat? it will taste bitter in the beginning.after some.. ..time even sugar willtaste bitter in its comparison. drink it. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.. where has he gone?
hoshiyarchand,where are you trapping me? i want to take malati out. so why are you feeling bad? "i was passing by the street." "i was having bhel-puri." "was taking around a girl." "what can i do, if you felt bad?" "i was having an ice-cream." "i was looking into someone's eyes."
"was passing by the street." "was having an ice-cream." "was looking into someone's eyes." "whether whole world gets jealous." "still your lover will love you." "i will run away with you." "nobody will be able to find me." "people are jealous of lovers." "they employ differenttactics to harm them.
"i was going by the car." "i was whistling." "i was revolving a hat." "was going by the car." "was whistling." "was revolving a hat." "what can i do if you got a jolt?" "since i moved the bed. - yes!" "you felt very bad. - no!"
"but i haven't looked atanyone with wrong intentions." "no!" - "i haven't killedanybody without a reason. - no!" "i haven't shoved a dagger into any.. ..innocent's heart without any reason. - no!" "i am a clown of thecircus of this world." "i dance, i sing, i entertain you." "what can i do if youdon't know how to dance?" "take me for any new movie." "take me out for a dinner somewhere."
"serve me from your eyes." "quench my heart's thirst." "today i want tolove with all my heart." "i want to propose you with my eyes." "i was shaking my body." "i was singing a song." "i was going around." "was shaking my body." "was singing a song."
"was going around." "i was taking around a girl." "was having bhel-puri." yes, look, they've beenmaking me dance for so long. come. get up, get up. let me head is paining a lot. get up. your sister-in-law has come.she is crying a lot. i don't have any sister-in-law.. - hey.
oh, my sister-in-law has come.she is crying. why is she crying? what happened...sister-in-law?now why are you crying? he hasn't returned yet. so he must have slept off somewhere. how can he sleep anywhere? i mean he must havestayed back somewhere. where will he stay back? yesterday he went to meet the lawyer..
..and he hasn't returned yet. he has never done sucha thing till now, father. everyday he comesback before it gets dark. i am feeling very scared. he must have fallen somewhereafter getting drunk. no, no, he is a very good boy. he doesn't even touch alcohol. then someone musthave forced him to drink. there is no dearth ofpeople who force you to drink.
people forcefully emptyglasses in other people's mouths. father, please do something.i am very scared. i... okay, we all willsearch for him together. - yes! hey, where are you all going? if i go alone, i will beable to bring him back in an hour. otherwise you won'tfind him in an hour's time. not at will drive the taxi and.. ..we will look out forhim from the taxi windows.. ..that are on all sides.
you won't be ableto find him like this. i am not coming.- you are not coming? - yes. then i am going to your father.- okay, i am coming. he keeps laughing. he keeps harassingme with my father's name.. yes, please tell me. inspector, my son-in-law hasn'treturned home since last morning. please find him.we are very worried. - yes. alright, you register a complaint.
we will announce it onthe wireless all over the city. he will come back wherever he is. i mean, we will alsomake efforts to find him. do you have his photograph? - yes. yes. - here it is. constable! - yes, sir?- arrest him and give him to them. what is he doing?have all of you gone mad? this is my twin brother's photo. i'm trying to make them understandfor so long that he'll come back..
..but they are not ready to listen. what are you looking at, man? take him home immediatelyand lock him up. otherwise, our cops willcatch him every time and bring him.. ..and you'll think that they'vefound him, found him, found him. didn't get you. say it again. nothing, they've found him,found him, found him. you? you've been found! where did you go? you didn'teven come back in the night.
what do you do, malati? i made five roundsof the house since morning. i had gone to pune lastnight to meet the lawyer. and when i come back in themorning there is a lock on the door.. ..and my wife's disappeared.where were you? we thought you're lost.we had gone to search for you. lost? what do you do, malati? you people are too much. am i a child that i will get lost?
now unlock the door.i am tired, i want to rest. - yes. i am very tired. you take rest.i'll just come from the temple. now why are you going to the temple? i had taken an oath infront of god that if i find you.. ..i'll eat only after worshippingthe goddess. i'll just be back. you love me so much. what do you people want? give us the wedding necklace. - no.
malati. what's going on, hey! hey, why are you laughing like fools? hey, stop! what happened, sister-in-law? these people want totake my wedding necklace. you want the wedding necklace.. he is a coward.- hey, don't slap me on my face. he looks like a crybaby from his face.
look, i am requesting you.. hey, what are you requesting for,you beggar. beggar? - not beggar,he looks like a lunatic. get lost. sister-in-law,give them the wedding necklace. no, this is my husband's sign.i won't give it. look, there's brother'swife only till there is life. times are bad.there's no point messing with them. give it.we don't want to mess with them. why do you hit in the stomach?
give it, give it.we don't want to mess with them. yes. let's go.let's go. let's go. let's go. let's go, don't look behind. let's go. brother-in-law.- what? please, get me mywedding necklace. back. you sit inside, i will try. sit. - please try. this isn't good,you kicked me in my stomach. you think i am a coward.
who is not scared of rogues, fools? but should i tell you something? those who believe in godneed not be too scared. don't hit me! that was by mistake. you think i'm a cry baby. look at your face, you rhinoceros. it seems as if somerhinoceros has run away.. ..from the jungle and come here. just let me touch your feet once.
come on, touch them.- let me touch your feet once. you! hey brother,in allah's name, give me your teeth. in god's name give me your liver.give me, please. hey, you stay aside. hey brother,please give, give, please give. hey brother, please give. do i look like a lunatic to you? okay, so my brother stays here.alright, we've reached. thanks a lot.- okay. you saved my life. - okay.
come with me.i will tell your brother. he always considers you to be wrong. that you are a rogue, scalawag. let it be, sister-in-law.nobody can hold somebody's tongue. no, no. i will tell himthat you're such a good person. come on. please. - okay,you go inside. i'll just park the car. alright, come fast. come on, my dear, raju. quickly get in the house.and change your clothes.
get in the house before malati gets in. hey, listen! where are you? what, malati,at least let me bathe in peace. brother-in-law has come,come down fast. brother-in-law?here? what's that drunkard doing here? do you know?today he saved me from rogues. how he bashed them up! only a rogue can bash up other rogues.he is a scoundrel. now forget what has happened.and meet him. - no, no.
please come. please, please, please, please.- okay, come. brother-in-law! hey, brother-in-law! where did he go? - he went away. my father kept my name hoshiyarchandafter a lot of thought. start. and praise me now. 'your acting as a mother was superb!' 'keep ram prasad sharma properly.' 'now, ram prasad will dieand lucky sharma will come to life.'
are they showing thestory of my house on tv? no, no, this can never happen. but what if it does? this tv has shaken me up. hoshiyarchand, stop your shrewdnessand start your investigations. it shouldn't be that whatyou consider to be jaggery.. ..turns out to be dung. i am very scared of your laughter. son-in-law, where are yougoing so early in the morning?
you've shown me yourface first thing.. the morning andhave also taunted me. now i won't even make a rupee today. when you won't then why are you going? wait for a minute. shalini, my dear! why are you calling her? - one minute. yes. - you're in mumbai forso long and nobody's taken you out. take these two tickets.- what tickets are these? there's a movie called 'raja babu'.take her for it.
i broke a queue, got pushed around.. ..and after a lot ofdifficulty got the tickets. no, i am not interestedin watching movies. i'm not going. you don't watch the movie,show it to her. let her go alone, i will not go. you will not go? - no, i will not go. okay, i am going to your father.- okay, i am going. your father always threatensme that he'll go to my father. keeps on laughinglike a mad man. come.
go fast. don't miss the soap commercial,which comes before the movie starts. shalini,shalini, i love you very much. deepak! - shalini, i love you very much. - i love you too, deepak. shalini, i love you very much.- hey leave her, you lovelorn boy. no, buddy. i'm hugging herfor the first time. i can't leave her. okay, don't leave her. listen, will youfinish everything here.. ..or will you leave somethingfor the theatre too?
theatre, inside, alright. here, wear my shirt. and be careful,the old man is very cunning. he can reach anywhere. show me the ticket. after three seats. oh! father! shalini! shalini, my love. here, take it.- won't you watch the movie?
no, i've already seen it. - when? now you watch. one is here. now if i findthe other one with malati.. ..i will be reassured. malati, malati, my darling. what happened? - nothing. it felt as if somebodywas peeping inside. hey, you guys have come was the movie? it was very good, father.we enjoyed a lot.
didn't you? even i enjoyeda lot watching you there. what were you doing there? there means here. i'm feelinghappy seeing both of you happy. i feel like dancing.i'm finding it hard to control myself. what, father? what are you saying? i feel like callingthe priest immediately.. ..and getting bothof you married quickly. hey old man, you've startedwith the same old thing again. i've told you earlier as well that..
..i'm not going tomarry your daughter. alright, you were romancing there.. ..and you're acting in front of me.this won't do, okay. hey old man, don't live inthe fantasy that i love your daughter. i take around many you understand? get your brain has got displaced. now just see how i getyour brain displaced tonight. what are you going to do?- i will not tell you that. tell me. - no, i will not tell you.
my dear son-in-law,these are the pills of love. whoever gets high on it,will be dancing in love. son, all your stubbornnesswill mellow down today. drink it and see. son-in-law! how much you laugh.were you a coolie earlier? what do you mean by earlier?i'm still a coolie. i am carrying the burden of your love. have some milk. - hey, why are you making me drink this? i don't want to drink it.
hey, i don't want to drink this.- drink, drink, drink, drink. you are laughing a lot. you're going to create some new trouble.- no, no, trouble. no, you will. - i won't. just listen to one thing,stay back here tonight. don't go out. why?- just like that. i'll get good.. ..betel leaf for you from outside. shalini is alone at home.take care of her. go on. you keep laughing all the time.
now what happened to her? why is she looking at me like this? shalini, are you alright?why are you looking at me like this? shalini! shalini, you.. "my beauty is pleasing." "love is crazy." "the treasure of splendorhas to be spent today." "come oh crazy, embrace me."
"no, no, no." "oh gorgeous don't steal my heart." "oh gorgeous don't steal my heart.." "the youth is calling in signs." "don't entice me this way, you crazy." "without you, my story is incomplete." "i will leave some sign." "come, come,don't go, come, sweetheart." "my beloved you arethe queen of my dreams."
"i will make you my own,at least let our eyes meet." "oh gorgeous you have made me crazy." "this opportunitydoesn't come everyday." "why are you bringingme close like this? "the pain of separationis unbearable now." "my heart beats aregetting intoxicated." "why are you making mesuffer slowly and gradually?" "why are you swaying mewith such talks on such nights?" "what's your intention,tell me my companion?"
"oh gorgeous, your lover is romantic." you are yourself responsiblefor this problem. what was the need foryou to enact this double role? why did you have to saythat you have a twin brother? so what would i have done? that old man caught me red-handed. should i have said thati am the son of a millionaire.. ..but i work as a coolie? raju, you've gone madplaying this double role.
who, i've gone mad?- yes, yes, you have gone mad. and don't make me mad! oh! what's happened to me..- now you think of .. ..a way out of this problem. listen, i have an idea. what? - you write a letter to me. letter? malati, give me a towel. - yes. good morning, sir. -who is it?- i've got a letter for you.
deepak! you must havebrought dad's letter. i have filed a caseagainst him that's why. tell him i'm not going to come home. it's not your dad's letter, sir.i've brought your.. ..younger brother raju,the coolie's letter. i will not even touch his letter. maltu, you read it. you read it. - alright. father! father, what's the matter? shalini is not well.the doctor is examining her.
she's probably got food poisoning.she's been vomiting. there's no need to worry, mr. hoshiyarchand. shalini is pregnant. and you're going to be a grandfather. what? shalini is going to be a mother! congratulations! father-in-law, what are you saying? shalini is going to bea mother and you are happy? this is good news.
your brother said, "i'llnever marry your daughter! never!" now even his spiritwill have to marry her. but father, he's created a big issue. this is a letter for you. read it. - letter? what letter? 'mr. hoshiyarchand'...he'swritten my name with respect. 'the kind of son-in-lawyou were dreaming of..' '..i am not capable of being that.' not capable.. 'i can't take care of yourdaughter for the rest of her life.'
'you don't know me,i am a loathsome person.' 'don't ruin your daughter'slife by marrying her to me.' 'that's why i myself amgoing very far away from here.' 'and you will neverbe able to find me.' 'don't even try to find me.' 'your younger son-in-law,who couldn't be.' ran away? he ran away after ruiningmy daughter's life. i will cut his legs!
i will destroy the singapore family. look father-in-law,there must be some misunderstanding. he can't do such a thing. he can't do what?- whatever has happened? malati, try to explain to brother can't do such a thing. should i believe you or the doctor? believe me becausehe's my younger brother. your brother! till yesterdayyou weren't even ready to spit on him. you said he is a drunkard, a gambler.
don't try to fool me! myhead is exploding like an atom bomb. i will not leave him! gajendra pratap singh!you should be ashamed. your kids are starving. and you've kept allthis property for yourself. will you take this bungalow,property with you when you die? so my son has sent you here. no, he has not sent me here.i have come here myself. what is your relation with him?
i have a better relationwith him than you. i have given my daughter to him. so he's been lured by your daughter. people like you,who are greedy for money.. ..trap boys with thehelp of your daughters. but i won't let himcome in this house. even your father's father can'tstop him from coming in this house. what did you say? standing in my house, youare talking to me in such a manner.
throw him out of the house!-you'll throw me out? you'll throw hoshiyarchand out?you will repent it. i am that terrible darknessthat swallows the light! i am that dead body, which comesback to life after being murdered! there is a solution for cancer!but there is no solution for me! you have thrown me out!god will punish you! if he can't keephis child in the house.. ..then why did he give birth to him? one was wandering on the streets.the other had become a coolie.
it is i who supported them. i got my daughter married to one. the other one ran away aftermaking my younger daughter pregnant. other one? - what kind ofa manager are you? you don't know? your boss has two sons.both are making their father proud. but warn him,he shouldn't mess with me. otherwise,i will bring down this house. not a single brick will be standing. father of a coolie!
a coolie's father? you won't get the bungalowby just sitting around and drinking. why are you sprinklingsalt on the wound, my friend? i didn't make you themanager to stay with my father. but, so that you stay with me.- i am with you. i have brought such news that.. ..the effect of alcoholwill fade away in a moment. tell me. - you remember raju,the coolie? coolie no.1. coolie no.1.. - yes.
how can i forget him?he was the one who got me arrested. now i have to settlescores with him and my father. so consider that thescores have been settled. and the bungalow and propertyare also in your pocket. good morning, sir. why are you looking here and there?isn't he your manager? he is. but all of a sudden, sir. sir, please, forget what has happened. sir has realized his mistakeand has called you back home. come.
did you see? this is hoshiyarchand. i gave your father a good hearing.. ..and his plaster ofarrogance came crumbling down. after all he is your father. and it's a sin toupset a repentant father. you should go. - maltu, youdon't understand. i'll be in a fix. what do you mean by you'llbe in a fix? isn't he your father? he is not! - what?- as in he is but.. no, you have to go.
please go. - go, go, you have to go. i'll be in a fix.-please go. - it is nothing like that. come, please come. take him carefully,otherwise he will run away. what is this matter? you know i am not sir's son,then too where are you taking me? look, sir has come toknow that you are fooling.. ..a simple personby acting as his son. and you have beencheating his daughter.
look, i haven't cheatedanybody's daughter. i have married her. i saw her photographand fell in love with her. and whatever i have done,i have done for love, not for money. but, sir is annoyed.he's very angry with you. he will get you arrestedon charges of fraud. look, it's naturalfor him to get angry. but tell him not to get me arrested. i am not alone. i have thatgirl's responsibility on my shoulders.
i will fall in his feet,finish off the matter there itself. i will not go behind bars. he is the one! we got him! shut the bonnet. -yes, sir. start the car, quickly!come on, come on, come on! sir is upstairs, go and apologize. sir. sir, please forgive me.i know i have committed a big mistake. but i have not done it intentionally. sir! sir!
sir, what happened to you? sir, who did this to you? hey, what have you done?you killed my father? hey, you fool!are you taking revenge.. ..from me for gettingyou arrested that day? what have you done?what have you done? i sent you to apologize to sir,not to kill him! inspector! -come, inspector, come.he killed my father! you.. - what? you killed sir?
arrest him! inspector,i am not running away anywhere. first take him to the hospital.he is alive. what? - sir is alive? - he's alive! sir's alive! - i am not running away!i am not running away! hey! - hey, catch him! cordon offthe bungalow! otherwise he'll flee! he ran away and left sir with me. deepak! deepak! where is deepak? - he is there.
deepak, everything is messed up. gajendra pratap,the one whose bungalow it is.. ..has been stabbed by someone.- what are you saying? and the blame has come on me. look if he dies, then noforce in the world can save me. look, the police aretaking him to the hospital. if...if the culprit comesto know that he is alive.. ..he will try to kill him again. that's why it is very importantfor us to reach the hospital..
..before the murderer, deepak. spread in all directions,look for him! and if you get him.. ..bring him to me byholding him by his hair. who are you searching for? that deceitful,swindler, that fraudster! who? - your son-in-law!who came to my police station.. ..with you and registereda complaint that he's gone missing. i can't understandwhat you are saying. consideryourself to be very cunning, right?
that i am.- your son-in-law fooled you. they aren't twins. he is the only one. he doesn't have a twin brother.he doesn't have a look alike. he is a coolie! a coolie! a coolie! there must be some misunderstanding.there are two of.. what sort of a misunderstanding? hoshiyarchand, have youever seen both of them together? yes, many times.. one comes and the other goes.
the other comes andthen the first one goes. and...his biggest crime isthat he tried to kill mr. mehta! sir? now this is rubbish,he is his father. nobody will try tokill one's own father. mehta doesn't even know how can he be his father? sir isn't his father? - no.. he is...not his father? - no. he is...not his father! - no! he is just a coolie.
they aren't two. he is the only one. and mehta is not his father! come! such a big fraud! with both my daughters.. he married one andmade the other pregnant. i will not leave him. i will destroy his family! he doesn't have afamily to be destroyed.
dear, before thisinnocent takes birth.. ..and hears the tauntsof the society.. no, you come with me to the hospital. let's go to the hospital!come, dear! let's go to the hospital! where is that? - what? children's department. go upstairs and take a left. straight and left? - yes. father. - come on!
hello, doctor.- his father is alright now. he will gain consciousness insome time. there is no need to worry. can he meet his father? oh yes. - thank you. -come on. oh no, you can't meet sir. why? - because he hasn'tcome to his senses yet. as soon as he becomes conscious,i will meet him.. ..and i will take his statement. after that, people can meet him.
but why are you taking his statement? he was attacked by raju, the coolie. you saw it with your own eyes,inspector. but, it can also be wrong. - yes. once i get his statement,everything will be clarified. why are you sweating? - no. there are nurses,doctors and even our constable.. take care of sir. - yes. come let's go. - yes.
hoshiyarchand, he is a coolie. i know. fool! sorry. little brother. - big brother. are my clothes alright? - why? i have got in themwith a lot of difficulty. look, that raju cooliecan come anytime. sorry, sisters. sorry. i have seen you people somewhere.
must have seen ourphotograph in the newspaper. photo? - actually i ambruce lee's sister, chus lee. chus lee.- and i am jackie chan's sister.. ..cycle chan. - cycle.. we have come from singapore. - okay. i am a kidney specialist.- kidney. okay. bugle? who are you? - i am theinspector-in charge of this place. that's why looking at you, our..
yes, yes. run. first let's find out whichward sir is in. - yes, yes. what are you doing here?- what? what are you doing here? hey! who are you people? we are doctors from singapore. what are you people doing here? actually, i have a problem.dear, come here. she is..
you are dead. - why? they have come for an abortion. don't worry, don't worry. i will fix up everythingin 20 minutes. -really? sister, you come inside. don't worry.i will make everything alright. come on. - sister! i called her sister, not father. i have seen you somewhere.- get lost, you desperate man.
how did you agree? how did you agree to abort the child? is it love or sin? you agreed to kill a child. that day i collapsed after drinking.. ..and you people messed everything up. and my name got spoiled. brother-in-law...deepak.- shut up! your brother-in-law is dead.
your voice has gone bad. my whole life has gone bad.- raju, what are you saying? shut up! if somethinghad happened to the child.. ..i would have bashed you up. no, you take care of the child.i will take care of sir upstairs. rubbish! if possible forgive me for my lie,malati. - listen. move, move aside! move aside! father! save him, father.
who? - your son-in-law raju. that murderer.- he is not a murderer, father. somebody has tried to implicate him. he doesn't know anythingabout the murder. he has been wrongly accused, father. please, save him. today a daughter isbegging her father for.. ..her husband's life. father.. no, my child, no.
you tell me, where did you find him? those nurses from singapore, they.. he has become a nurse now!he's again fooling me. i will not spare him,i will not spare him. no. father, for my sake. i can't live without him, father.i can't live without him, father. okay, just for you. till now the world hasseen hoshiyarchand's shrewdness. today they will seea new shrewdness for you.
alright, i'll just come.don't cry. i'll just come. your father is there. manager.. he is alive. help! is anybody there! help! is anybody there? i'm going to die! is anybody there!
come on! what's happening? who are they? where are you climbing up? be careful, i just have two legs. hey, hoshiyarchand! my father.. father-in-law,where are you hanging from? give me your hand.hey, give me your leg. be careful, be careful. he was born to trouble me.
he displays such acts...hey!i am coming! i will fall, my hand is slipping! you put me in a you're stuck too. i am not hanging here by my wish. now jump. - no way. say hail india,hail maharashtra and jump. i can't jump! bring me down. if you don't jump i will die. no!- jump! i say! jump!
oh! i am holding my broken leg. it's my leg. it's my leg. it's your leg? then where is my leg? my leg, my leg, my leg is here! i have survived, i have survived! why are you laughingafter making coolies fall? you shut up, don't act too smart. firstly, you've beenexposed and on top of that..'re wearing a dress.
you look good in this dress.stay in this dress. mr. hoshiyarchand,i have pardoned raju. now you also forgive him. him? i will not forgivehim in his next 17 lifetimes. father, what are you saying..- shut up, i will slap you otherwise. you gave your daughter to him.. ..after seeing my bungalow, right?- what else.. from today thatbungalow belongs to him. him! - no, i've got her.i don't want the bungalow.
quiet, take it. my son tried to take my life. he saved my life.from today he is my son. that's alright.but he cheated me twice. he also ruined thelife of my other daughter. i will bash you up. father-in-law, forgive me. - what? i am responsible for all this. - what? yes father, he is right. bothof them love each other very much.
these two? - yes. when did this story begin? such is the fate of people like you. you wanted such rich sons-in-law.. ..who'd have at least 3000 acres of land. to whose house even abeggar would come in a car. and in whose house,there'd be more servants.. ..than the populationof his village, right? i had said this toshaadiram gharjode once.
how did you know?- i am shaadiram gharjode. you? no, this is the third shock. how did you like it? one coolie and another mechanic. actually,shaadiram, i wanted to make houses.. ..for my daughterswith bricks of money.. ..out of my love for them. but today i came toknow that a house is.. ..made up of bricks of love not money.
it's okay.- today, i have lost and love has won. come here. why do you keep laughing? brother-in-law!brother-in-law! brother-in-law! i've brought such news,after hearing which.. ..the sky will collapse,your heart will be torn apart.. ..this earth will shake. what? - he is not a prince, he is a coolie! he is going to get bashed up today.- you've brought the news so fast.
come here. - he hit me! "earning money." "having fun." "carrying burden of whole world." "coolie no.1."

"i am coolie no.1." "when your heart isn't with you." "come to my lane." "when you want to love me."