dance and sing the best of nick jr cd

a a apple b b bus c c cow d d duck e e elephant

dance and sing the best of nick jr cd, f f fish g g girl h h hat i i igloo

j j jungle k k kittens l l lamb m m moon n n nest o o orange p p pig q q quack r r rainbow

s s star t t train u u under v v video w w whale x x xylophone y y yo-yo z z zebra pa pa can you teach me

the abc song, please? well of course, little baby bear. are you ready? then let's begin. here we go. 1... 2... 3... 4... a

b c d e f g h i j

k m n o p q r s t

u v w x y and z now i know my abc next time won't you sing with me? abc

defg hij klmnop qrs tuv wxyz now i know my abcs next time won't you sing them with me? that was really good fun!

can we sing abc again? [papa panda] yes. again. thanks papa bear. all right baby bear. parp parp 1 great nursery rhymes. 2 1 2 buckle my shoe

3 4 open the door 5 6 pick up sticks 7 8 lay them straight 9 10 do it again 9 10 big fat hen? 3 4 knock on the door 7 8 you're doing great! 9 10 that's the end! once i caught a fish alive

dance and sing the best of nick jr cd

then i let it go again why did i let it go? and the little one said 2 in the bed and the little one said

dance and sing the best of nick jr cd Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: PaduWaras