[theme music plays] and now it's time to announce, the best dancer in the universe is.... [drum rolls] [stops]
how to open up a dance studio, [drum resumes] sophia carver! thank you so much! [crowd cheering]
thank you so much, i'd like to thank my amazing dance studio and my best friend, chloe! [alarm sounding] voiceover: so this morning... "crap!" vo: did not start out as planned... vo: you have to understand, vo: on any regular day, i'm a much more organized person
vo: but today is the first day of dance camp and i'm a little all over the place [muttering] chloe: uh, soph? vo: that's chloe. she's my best friend, forever duet buddy, and partner in crime i'll change there. - are you ready? -ready as i'll ever be so, did you hear they're adding another solo feature to the showcase again this year?
-yeah i heard, and i'd kill to have it but we all know who's gonna end up with it. [music building] vo: meet paige cooper the studio prodigy, three time regional champ and the forever ruling mean girl of the studio vo: she's the best dancer we have and also hates anybody who's willing to get in her way vo: her two sidekicks, charlotte and kate aren't always all there, but they sure are talented - i don't know, soph. it could be ella or mara
maybe you could have the featured spot? you've been working hard all summer and frankly, people have to be getting tired of "the paige show" right? - let's hope so, [whispering] - should we say something? [whispers] probably not - my spot. - my spot,
- your spot? - okay ladies, i hope you all had a good warm up. welcome to our 4th annual dance convention week before we all send you off into the 2016 2017 dance season over the next week you'll learn dance combinations from a series of instructors. we have coming in to prep you for friday's final showcase. you were all e-mailed a schedule for your respective age groups, and now we're going to split up and get started with your classes. alright then, who's ready to learn a jazz combo?
[half-heartedly] yay... wake up ladies, i didn't come to teach a class of zombies. - yay... - 5 6 7 8 [describing dance movements] - okay! let's run it. [ music rising ] [music playing] - alright, let's kick things up a notch,
whoever's awake enough to keep doing it over and over again, will get my recommendation for the featured spot. keep going, - grace, olivia, - clara, [louder] clara! - clara get off the stage! - charlotte and kate, - chloe,
- great job ladies, glad to know that at least some of my students were awake this morning,

- thank you! - thank you, - good job, only four more to go...