ryan guzman: hey,step up fans. kathryn mccormick: we're hereto announce the first-ever worldwide twitter flash mob. ryan guzman: and we want you toparticipate by submitting a video of yourself individuallydoing a simple choreographed
how to run a successful dance studio, dance to timbaland's"hands in the air." jamal sims: we're goingto demonstrate easy but powerful moves. you'll be able to chooseone that best
expresses who you are. kathryn mccormick: and don'tworry about if you're not a professional dancer. we want everybody toparticipate, regardless of your experience. ryan guzman: and once we'vecollected all the dance videos, we're going to createa flash mob music video staring you. jamal sims: shoot a video ofyourself doing one of the
following dance moves, and tweetthe video link with the hashtag stepupmob. kathryn mccormick: you ready? ryan guzman: we're here to teachyou the first section of the online flash mob. it's four eight-counts. really easy. you should be able to pickit up really quick. and one, two, three, four--bring up your knees--
five, six-- hold for two counts--seven and eight. go back to the other side. and one, two, three, four--knees again-- five, six-- hold again-- seven, eight. then one and two, three andfour, five, six, seven, eight. one and two and three and four,and then you're going to go five and six, sevenand eight.
and it's a ripple effect. all right guys, i'm going topass you off to kathryn. she'll teach you thenext section. see you guys soon. kathryn mccormick: hey, guys. i'm going to teach you part twoof the online flash mob. you just finished withyour hands across your right foot front. you're going to let your bodydrop for six counts.
and your arms can doanything they want. so you're going to drop, two,three, four, five, six. you're going to step out onyour right with your right hand out, seven-- step out on your left--eight, bring everything together on one. from here you're going to stepback on your right foot as you do a body roll. so you're going togo three, four--
step back on your left foot-- five, six. then you're going todo a pony with your right foot down first. and your arms aregoing to go up. so you're going to go ponydown, down, down. from here, you're going to stepout on your left foot. you're going to grooveto the left. so you step, and thenyou swing your arm.
and then you're going togo back to the right. swing your arm. you do this for afull 14 counts. from here, you're goingto add the pony step back in one last time-- and down. and that's part two ofthe online flash mob. now, here we have misha hereto teach you part three. misha gabriel: i'm going toteach you part three of the
online flash mob. we take it from where kat leftoff on seven, eight. one, two-- arms go-- three, four, five,repeat, seven, eight. one, two-- arms go-- three,four, five, seven, eight. one, two, three, four,five, seven, eight. one, two, three, four, five,seven, eight, and one. going on from there, we haveand one, two, march three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
there's a little roll-offeffect. i'm going to go first. this is one, two, three, four,five, six, and seven, around. we go one, two, three, four,five, six, seven, eight. from here, it's a littleripple effect. from right to left, we're goingto go, push one, two, three, other way, pushfive, six, seven. again, back one, two,three, other way, five, six, seven, eight.
and walk around, one,two, three, four. we repeat this roll off, andfive and six and seven, eight. now i'm going to throwit to my two boys here to take you home. jamal sims: what'sup, everybody. we're going to show youthe final step. male speaker: we're going totake it where misha left off. we're here on five andsix, seven and eight. i'm going to bounce, one,two, three, four,
one, two, three, four, five,six, bounce seven, eight. and one, two, three, four,five, six, seven, eight. one, two, three, four, five,six, this is seven, eight. one, two, three, four, five,six, seven, eight. and one, two, three, four,five, six, walk seven, eight, one. and you freeze on one. jamal sims: all right,so that's it. you all have learned it.
we're ready to do it.

we'll perform it withthe stars of our movie and have fun. let's do it. [music - timbaland, "handsin the air"]