is so you think you can dance on hulu

narrator: there is a legion. a legionof bravery. of hope. of the extraordinary. they lie amongst us, preparing for battle,waiting to rise and change things for good. some are gifted in ability, others are trainedto master it and some have it bestowed upon them at birth. but they all must choose - fulfilltheir destiny or reject it. however, time is running out. the uprising is brewing andthe only hope we may have

is so you think you can dance on hulu, is in their choice to be who they are meant to be. so you want to know more about this legion? this legion of extraordinary dancers? then we must startin the middle. each story, one by one, of how the uprising began.the first of which is the tale of trevor drift. the boy, his destiny and the secret hisfamily always vowed to keep from him.

dad: trevor, are you hungry? trevor: great, we have some very delicious food for you. trevor: okay. dad: salads, very healthy for you. here you go,spoon. and remember to always keep your hands clean. very, very important, okay?trevor: okay. dad: okay, i'll be there. [music] [music] dad: trevor what are you doing?you can't be doing that. that too dangerous, okay? trevor: okay. [crowd noise]

[crowd noise] announcer: don't forget prom is this saturday. last chance to get a date to thebiggest event of your high school career. brendan:yo, we going to this thing or what? alice: are you asking me? brendan: oh i'm sorry.alice wonderbuns. alice: it's wondershaw. brendan: excuse me, wondershaw. will you go to promwith me? alice: mmm okay. brendan: ay yo! i'm gonna go. talk to the boys. see what we'regonna wear. it's gonna be good. alice: okay. [bell rings] brendan: ((laughter)) [locker closes] brendan: yeah.

alice: hey trevor drift. you going to prom? you know you haven't been to anything all year. trevor: well you know, my dad doesn't really likeme going out. alice: maybe he'll let you out of yourcastle this time. it's your last dance,you know. you should come. dad: absolutely not! look. kids are gonna be drinkingthere, you haven't even finished your project. trevor: i did. i finished it! dad: look i'm your father and that's my decision. no! [laughter] brendan: whoops! oopsie, what's this?! oohcool! yeah you might need that to wipe your ass later. hey come here. you look good. uhhhuh? yea? you like it? oooo

[stomp] [cheering] dj: vin, the kid's here, we got company. dj: bring him out. brendan: what do you think you're doing?move! [cheering] brendan: forget all that. brendan: boys, excuse me. sorry guys - hand spins. excuse me. guys- you guys seriously buy this? thisis so easy! anyone can do that!

ooo! oh hey! ooo! brendan: right? so dumb! check it out. ohhandstand! check it. uhh one hand! ow. stupid. oh, okay! alright!yeh. oh, move, this is a move probably. this is probably a move.look at me - i m a bboy. ehhh i m a bboy.

is so you think you can dance on hulu

ehh ooo! stall. [dogs barkingin the background] observer: you ready? trevor:yeah. observer: let's roll. alice: trevor.

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