now that's what i call 90s dance

i'm so tired... *shakes head* i'm so... ...tired i had enough

now that's what i call 90s dance, stop calling me kazoo kid or else *clenches teeth* uuuurgh

[bigger uuuurgh] kazoo kid: wait a minute it's not funny anymore it's not a meme this.. ..shitty.. ..has to stop kazoo kid: who are you?

just cause i got one bad haircut.. ..doesn't mean - - everyone had that hair cut in the 90's by the way.. just because i had it as a kid as well doesn't mean i'm kazoo kid just cause this is me does not mean i'm kazoo kid

fucking piss me off... so much. this fucking shit is not funny stop. i fu- * laughs * no no this is not funny either! alright so...

for those of you who don't know kazoo kid, we're gonna go through it now [for the hundredth time] uh- in case for some reason you haven't fucking seen this fucking kid kazoo kid: youch you know a lot of times when i do my intro actually it's like "how-ow y-ah yowch ah fuck" [best imitation 10/10] kazoo kid: oh hi!

*scoffs* who does that? sorry - let's just get - *imitates kazoo kid* ye-owch! oh, hey. *turns around like he don't give fuck* pewds imitating kazoo kid: wait a minute!kazoo kid: wait a minute! sorry, sorry i just remember the lines kk: wait a minute!

kk: who are you? [your disappointed future self] how can you talk like that? like, you hear his fucking voice go like *imitates, voice breaks* wait a minute *does it again* wait a minute *omg stop* wait a minute *disbelief* a handbag? kk: i'll tell you a secret! :d

pewds: what? kk: sometimes i get a little... quiet kk: when i meet lots of new kids *cancerous kazoo playing* kk: you know what? kk: i think we're gonna be friends! :dpewds: *shakes head* please no. please no. i don't wanna be-

what is wr- so- why is his face so fucking creepy?kk: :( my hair is not scary like that *living in denial* we will never be friends, kazoo kid! cause we have absolutely nothing in common! what i like to do is siiiiiiinng kk: i like to siiing~ daaance

kk: daance~ :d preteaanndd kk: pretend~ ah shit fuck we're the same! d:< kk: and when i'm with friends, kk: i like to have kk: fun fun funfunfunfunfunfunfun fun!pewds: fun fun funfunfunfunfunfunfun- kk: aaandd!!! [wait for it] kk: kaaaaaaaa-zooo!! xd

random girl: hello, i'm hilda. :) she seems fucking awesome. not-chill-jonathan: jonathaannn!!!! :d jonathan you need to fucking chill. > - > innocent carl: i'm carl~! *flaps arms weirdly* okay carl, well no one gives a shit jesus christ... fuck off. jonathan: i like to kazoo~

kk: me too! :d kk: cause you can do aaanything with a kazoo! :3 ho-ho-ho-hold on i-i'm pre-pre-pretty sure you can't do aaanything with a kazoo this-girl: *why is her voice so adult?! 0_0* let's pretend more! i lo- i love that line because it's so incredibly dubbed *girl repeats* it's so incredibly dubbed by like an

like an adult woman :i *cute laugh* pewds-voice-over: "i am an adult woman" some pedophile ene: yoohoo kids~ ehehehehe~ oh shit what the fuck? pedophile: me, the pretend spirit~! *creepy laugh* *sparkle noises ring-a-ding-ding lmao pewds your face* kk: wow! i just remembered this special way to get spirit out to play! [uh-huh] (wtf is with these noises...?) *wtf is that dance*

i like how jonathan is just destroying this shot by getting in the middle of the camera "why the fuck are you walking right through? ah da-da-da-da like this in the background? *poor carl* what the fuck is it with you? [gordon ramsey is that you?] what don't you fucking understand?" *dis my jam :d* *pewds is not amused*

wha- am i the only one getting like, sai-tanic undertones uhh from this? some kind of cult- weird cult shit from this kazoo thing? pewds & kk: thanks :d kk: i'm glad you came along~pewds: i'mgladyoucamealong- pewds and kk: partner! :)

kk: i want to sing a song! just for you~pewds: *grumpy* i want to sing a song just for you pewds & kk: cause pewds & kk: you're my special friend :) pewds & kk: speeeeecial friend :) *what the hell is this?* pewds: speeecial friendkk: speeeeeeeeeeeecial friend~ pewds giving up: now that i know youkk: now that i know you~ sorry pewds: now that you know mekk: now that you know me~ pewds *so annoyed*: till the end of timekk: till the end of time~

pewds & kk: we will always be~ pewds-exploding: special friendskk: special friends~ :d pewds getting emotional: specialfriendsss!!kk: special frieendss~~~ pewds: we will bekk: special friends~~~ pewds: thanks carl! bye andrewkk: we will be~ :) pewds wtf: special friendssskk: special friends~ :) *pewds gonna do it*: special friendsskk: special friends~~~ :) pewds: we will beeeeehkk: we will be~ *omg child*: special friends

*gunshot* *yay pewds is dead woo* kk: specal friends~ *bitch still singing* that's it... i remember now... it's all coming back to me... *shitty kazoo music in the background* i used to love playing my kazoo.. it was like a friend of mine

it was my best friend *emotional music* "why are we still here? just to suffer every night i can feel my leg... and my arm... even my fingers the body i've lost... maybe the comrades i've lost

won't stop hurting... it's like they're all still there you feel it too, don't you?" ye-owwchh!!! *screams*ahhhhh you dislocated my shouldah!! *grins~* *omg this is monstrous* wait a minute! who a-ha-re you~?! [mickey mouse lol]

let me tell you a secret *whispering* it's free real estate sometimes i get a lil' me and you are gonna be friends! :d *dat face* *distorted voice* special friends and when i'm with my friends, i like to have fun funfunfunfunfunfun fun!!! i like to sing *ew that face creep*

daance *he's in pain* pretend *why do i watch this guy* aandd *oh yeah* "and ping pong" *quality content* brad: wait, what was it?*warning headphone users* *wtfisthissatanicscream* kaaaaaaaaaazooooooooooo b: right- xd *laughs* *plays kazoo like there's no tomorrow*

*fuckign lit bro* *the background music tho* kaaa zooo!!!! *my ears are bleeding* kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *kazoos* kaaaaaaaa zooooooo!!! *thud*

*dead* *kazoos in agony* girl's voice: let's pretend more! *externalscreaming* kazoooo!!! *kazooyeah* *he's lost his mind stop* *this poor child* fun fun fun fun fun fun funn!!!!!! *he's gone*

i like to siingg pedo's back: yo~ kids, yeahehehehe~ pedo: it's me~ the pretend spirit! *creepy laugh* *ding* kk-voice-over: wow! i just remembered the special way to get spirit out to play! girl-voice-over: let's pretend more. you gotta use your hips *yeaaaa* *shake dat yea*

show a little bit of dat ass *110% appropriate* girl: let's pretend more. *insert lenny face* the secret summoning ritual *omg this* *definitely the kazoo yeap* *that's it goodbye* he will rise again

his mortal flesh will once again walk upon these lands! with his master of culinary skills he will yet again return the moon is in the perfect- *laughs* you fucking heup~ xd

the stars are aligned.. the time has come.. the spirit of ainsley *static noises* we summon upon thee *dramatic kazoo* *dramatic music* master... you have re- ah!

you have returned.. i did as you told now please... grant me immortality but hey why don't we just... put- put that aside for a bit

and play the kazoo *oh this fucker* *licks lips* what do you say, old pal? old partner. for good old times? like we used to :) *wow ainsley! such talent!* ♫ noviy, noviy, noviy, noviy god! ♫ [this song is bae, go check it out]

"steklovata - noviy god - new year's song" wow you played so beautifully *thanks* i wish one day i could be on your level, master what's that? another video that they can click on? *stammers*

*grandma voice* who are they? ainsley: "they are now under my control they are my minions of death

now that's what i call 90s dance

they are my bros now" pewds: my god...ainsley: execute order 66pewds: order 66? *licks lips *nods- wait what's that?*

now that's what i call 90s dance Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: PaduWaras