watch save the last dance 2 free online

this is the last danceso grab your partner and dance to love me likeyou but no canoodling i'm watching you sha-la-la-lasha-la-la-la sha-la-la-la you might got the biggestcar don't mean he can drive me wild or he cango for miles said he got a

watch save the last dance 2 free online, lot of cash darling hecan't buy my love, it's you i'm dreaming of theytry to romance me but you got that nasty and that'swhat i want that's what i want so baby, baby comeand save me don't need

those other numbers wheni got my number one last night i lay in bed soblue cause i realised the truth, they can't love melike you i tried to find somebody new baby theyain't got a clue, can't love me like you you stillget it that i want you were pouring out yourlove, i could never get enough now i'm dealingwith these boys when i really need a man who cando it like i can they try to romance me but you gotthat nasty and that's what

i want that's what i wantso baby, baby come and save me don't need thoseother lovers when i got my number one last night ilay in bed so blue cause i realised the truth, theycan't love me like you i tried to find somebodynew baby they ain't got a clue, can't love me likeyou sha-la-la-la, woo, sha-la-la-la, ohsha-la-la-la, oh, can't love me like yousha-la-la-la, woo, love me like you l-o-v-e,love the way you give it

to me when you're withme, boy i want it everyday l-o-v-e, love the way yougive it to me when you're with me, boy i want iteveryday last night i lay in bed so blue cause irealised the truth, they can't love me like you itried to find somebody new baby they ain't got aclue, can't love me like

watch save the last dance 2 free online

you last night i layin bed so blue cause i tried to find somebody newl-o-v-e, baby they ain't got a clue, can't love melike you last night i lay

can't love me like you

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