what is the latest just dance for wii

this is usually where we splice in footageof me dancing...or at least flailing various limbs in a strange and uncomfortable mannerthat suggests i’m either completely out of my element or completely out of my **** mind.if it’s all the same to you, i’m going to pass on that today. i’m just...i’mnot in the mood for this anymore. you can only play so many just dance gamesbefore you really do start to question your

what is the latest just dance for wii, mental faculties and whether you are, in fact,in control of them. otherwise, you end up randomly breaking out in top 40 radio hits,which is always a bad si— want you to make me feel like i’m the onlygirl in the world! like i’m the only one that you’ll ever love! oh, yeah!

this is just dance: greatest hits. and youmight think, “wait a second, isn’t there already a just dance: greatest hits?” butno, there isn’t. you just think there is because greatest hits is the only combinationof words not currently serving as the subtitle to a just dance video game. just dance: greatest hits is a collectionof songs from the original just dance and just dance 2, along with three songs fromjust dance 3. in total, there are just above 30 songs on this disc. and i guess the sellingpoint for the xbox version is the ability to play songs from those two wii games withkinect. but for this version, uh...i guess it’s...idon’t know. i have no idea.

the point is, unlike kinect, these are songsyou can already get on wii. based on their sales, i would assume a good deal of justdance fans have the first two games...which negates any need for this game. for the consumer,there’s not much of a purpose. there are a freaking ton of these games onwii, and they’re virtually identical.

what is the latest just dance for wii

the songs? you’ve heard them. the dancenumbers? you’ve seen them. the game modes? you’ve experienced them...like, both ofthem. if you’re new to the just dance craze on wii, greatest hits is a good place to start.i doubt there are many of you left, but this game is for you...like, both of you.

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