i really hope that chloe's dad can makeit but i think the bigger question on everyone's mind is who is melissa gonnabring to represent , is she gonna bring the dad or the sugar daddy [ her dad's not coming he'snot going to be here so ] kurt's not coming at all
when does the new dance moms come on, this is the one time the dads are askedto come and participate with their girls and melissa can put the drama aside italways has to be about her ,do you not want to come..[ no he's not coming becausehe's gonna be in a hockey tournament ] ok or greg come..? no ? [ no way ]
if greg can come [ i don't wanna hurt his feelings you know ] randy is coming... but he couldn't be there what hefeelings fears [ if he knew that greg did it yes ] i don't know why you wouldn't bring greg
i mean greg melissa [ i mean i would love for him to be therebut absolutely not ] mark are you able to come..? ( i can't i have a meeting ) oh ok