>> i didn't choose dance, chancechose me. smell that, snels like dance. just because i'm hosting atelevision show when everyone is asleep, doesn't mean i'm notdancing. hi, nice to meet you,choreographor, james corden.
who is the singer on dancing with the stars tonight, >> why don't you dance any more. and i say you condition see myfeet behind the desk. because they are. you know.
guys, just to say james cordenis on set and i don't want any attention drawn to that, so justkeep a low profile, thank you. no social media leaks about mybeing here, is that okay? i would like to keep a real lowprofile, i'm the same as all you guys, okay? my style of dance is whateveryou want it to be. and i am whoever it thinks youare. you know? it's subtle, it's in your face,it's humble, it's arrogant.
sloppy, sloppy. guys, guys? guys? wow, nothing. embarrassing. there they are. oh, hey. how are you. nice to see you.
hello, how are you doing? >> m-wahmwah. so good to see you. just-- coming in tochoreographing the show. in my trailer. >> no, no, no trailer. >> i mean i'm happy to see you. but really, there's nothing foryou. >> james: are you saying you idon't have a trailer.
>> you don't have a trailer. >> james: if i don't have atrailer, then who are these. >> kelly ann, bruno and wardrobeat the end, no trailer. >> james: forget it, i'll usethis one. >> this will be me, this will beme! >> that's typical. gone to his head. >> james: get rid of these, idon't need those. i don't need anything clutteringme up, okay.
>> he can't dance, he can'tchoreograph. it's a joke. >> james: hello, sir. how nice to see you. >> yes. >> it feels good. i've been moving it. >> james: there it is. five, six, seven, eight.
see you there. bye bye. on my way now to meet thecompany of dancers. well, am i about to meet thecast or are the cast about to meet me. hello. i'm james. >> hi, james, i'm mandy. >> james: james corden,choreographor, thank you.
where is everyone? >> this is it. so you've got three for thebumpers that you are doing. >> james: sorry, what did youjust say? >> the bumpers. you know what a bumper is. it's just when we come in andout of commercial break. >> james: i think there hasbeen a mistake. i was told i am here tochoreograph the biggest number
in the show. so. >> just these three right now,for the bumper. because we can't get everybody. >> james: you keep saying theword "bumper" can you get an exact producer to the floor,please? is it on? we are going to need an execproducer. who are you snr.
>> executive producer. >> james: you can't be theexecutive producer, are you about 12. i can't do what i do in 20seconds, all right. i mean 20 secretaries,-- what isthat? what are you doing, what is 20seconds. >> it is intended to besomething that was quick and fun and we thought that it would bein your wheelhouse. >> james: i am a lot ofthings, okay, but i'm not quick
and i'm not fun, not when itcomes to dance, or sex for that matter. 20 ,econds is auliffe's got then20 seconds is auliffe's got. then i am going to mick this thegreatest break bumper they have ever seen in their lives. i'll show them what they arebloody missing. let's do it. okay, back up, bitches. let me show you what i amthinking it should be, all
right? because i want to see depth, iwant to see fear, i want to see average. i want to say rage, i want tosee joy, i want to see happiness. what do i want to see? >> rage, happiness, sadness. >> james: i didn't saysadness. >> okay.
>> joy, anger. >> james: you're pretty,s thatall i'm saying. i want you to be a tiger, go,go, be a tiger. >>. and then i am now-- i'm ridingthe tilinger, okay. so you go through. that's it. and now take it up. take a left.
okay. and now you two girls, you'retwo makaws, you sound like makaws. >> no, a maca-w. >> what's that? >> good wings. fiefer, six, seven, airt, one,two, three, four. five, six, seven-- and then justthere, okay? one, two, three, you are-- it isembarrassing!
it's embarrassing! i feel like i'm watching a groupof-- don't pick it up. you pick it up. i feel like i'm watching a groupof children who have been stuck in a basement for the last-- youcan put it on my head plies. i feel like i'm watching a groupof children who have just come out of a coma. it's back on. all right, here we go.
tom. >> hi, james, how are you. >> james: i guess you havecome down to see the routine. >> everybody is talking about,from the other side of the building. >> james: just drink it in,buddy, just drink it in. >> all right, thank you. >> james: okay. >> james: you're welcome.
you are welcome, all right. so that will go out tonight. prepare for your twitter feed toblow up. all right. you should see his face. that is what we do it for, isn'tit? whooo! >> welcome to dancing with thestars, i'm tom bergeron. >> we're in for an exciting -->> james: oh my god.
>> we're going to get thescores. to the break. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. >> oh jay oh yeah, an homage todrunken wedding dances choreographs by our friend jameskosheden. >> james: that was fun! people were going nuts for ityou were incredible. you were amazing. did i come down to their level?
a little bit. did they reach up to mine,almost.

they're the star of the day, iwas up here, and they were dowrch here, and now they'rehere and i'm here. and that's that is progress. and that's dance.