we are finally about to crossthe finish line on dancing with the stars. and very soon, we willfind out who will be the season 14 champion. this week, each of our fourremaining couples had to dance
who was eliminated last week on dancing with the stars, two completely differentstyles. bree and derek have been amazingall season long, and it culminated with an almostperfect score of 59. but a word of advice--
put your shoulders down,boo, and turn out that leg on those lunges. donald and peta had two greatdances, but their samba is the one that really stoodout for me. donald looked like a reallady killer out there. cheryl and william area great couple. she really knows how tohighlight his assets, if you know what i mean. but let's be honest-- he's sohot, he could come out, and do
the running man, and peoplewould vote for him. as you guys know, i'm a hugekatherine jenkins supporter, but last night, mygirl let me down. i feel like mark really triedtoo hard with the choreography, and she justcracked under the pressure. at long last, we finally foundout who made the top three on tuesday night. unfortunately, that meant maria menounos was sent packing.

before this season even started,vegas odds had william levy as the winner. who do you think will winit all this season? let us know in the comments.