hi guys, i'm davidwith danceon. and i'm bringing you your weeklyrecap of so you think you can dance, season 9. this week was vegas week of soyou think you can dance, which is the most intense week, whichis always filled with a
katie so you think you can dance, bunch of drama and stuff. nigel came ready withfresh botox. the episode started off with afew of our favorites leaving. hampton left, which isort of saw coming.
very emotionally affecting inhis own thing, but it's easy to see that he didn'tget choreography. and also bree, the mother,left, which i was sort of bummed about, because i rememberloving her when she auditioned. they do the little segment onthese two ballroom girls who were living together, and likewent bonkers when they found out that they were roomingwith each other. and the girl in theblack hoodie--
i don't remember her name--but when she was doing the broadway routine, i wasobsessed with her. she was fabulous. so i hope that shepops up again. also a lot of the episodefocused around alexa, who i like to call fake-ryan ramirez,because she got kicked off when theywere deciding between the two of them. and they look exactlythe same.
her face was dead, which theyall commented on, and i was frustrated with whilewatching her. but her movement looked great. it was just dead face. finally, she got it togetherand started engaging it. and eventually, they weresatisfied with that. but what they did not commenton was that she was wearing three bras at onceover each other. and it looked ridiculous.
when they started sonya tayeh'schoreography, i freaked out, because i'dmissed her so much. and she was in full sonya tayehmode with her feathering earrings and everything. i love her. i loved her choreography. danielle was awesome atsonia's choreography. she looks a little bitlike lady gaga. and i was completelyobsessed with her.
and then danielle went up to dothe routine again, and she ended up getting kicked inthe head by this dude. and she had to go to theemergency, and she came back and sort of slopped througha group routine and ended up leaving. and i was reallyupset about it. and the worst part is, as myfriend christian pointed out to me, the dance that shewas doing with the guy-- it wasn't even her dance.
she was just volunteeringto do it. so she didn't evenneed to do it. and she got hurt. and that made her go home. and it was really sad. shafiq was grumbling aboutsome choreography that he didn't have enough roomor something. and he was wearing as he left. i just didn't havetime for that.
i cannot deal with people whoare not grateful for the opportunity and whoare rude about it. so bye-bye shafiq i'mglad you're gone. whatever. also another girl thatannoys me is amelia. i know that the judges love herand her personality and quirkiness or whatever. but i feel like herpersonality is actually really fake.
and it's a character, and she'sjust trying way too hard with the whole look andquirkiness and everything. i don't buy it at all. so i find her very annoying. her dancing is nice, though. i just-- whenever she talksin interviews, she's very [monster sound]. i actually pulled a quote fromthis episode to exemplify the fact that she's tryingtoo hard.
she said "i am so ready tomake you love me," at the microphone, when she wasin front of the judges. like that. she screamed it. so not my fave. there were group routines. and there was this group thatdid a prom routine, which was really awesome. and the girl who createdthe concept--
nigel called her a youngmia michaels. and while the routine was veryimpressive and she was very impressive in the routine, shewas a little too wonky when she spoke with themfor my taste. and this sort of all came toa point when she completely broke down after she got cut. another person that they focusedon a lot was cyrus, who was one of the originalrobot hip hoppers in atlanta. and he did really wellthrough this episode.
i think that he workedreally hard at all the different styles. and i was very impressed withhim and especially in his dance for your life. i remember him being that good,but i guess it was just another reminder that heliterally moves like no other dancer i've ever seen. and the music choice is alwaysawesome with all of them. so i was very impressed withhis dance for your life.
i was very happy thathe got sent through. and i'm excited to see how hedoes on the show, if he gets to the live shows. when nigel called up the 34dancers onto the stage, and it was playing that really, reallydramatic music and cut to the commercial break, ithought that he was going to just announce that theywere the top 24. i didn't know it was34 at that point. and i thought that was justgoing to be the top 24 and
they would skip next week. but that's not how it turnedout, obviously. but 35 dancers arecalled back. they added to their original34 by re-dancing people. and i'm very excitedfor next week. i'm very excited forthe live show. live shows are my favorite part,when the choreographers are actually working withthem and stuff. so i'm super psyched forthis season of so you
think you can dance. we have a lot of awesomedancers.

thank you guys so muchfor watching. and i'll see youguys next week. all right? bye.