keep calm and do the snoopy dance

did you close all the reardoors? how many times do i tell younot to read when you're lying down are you listening to old songs?- you only told me to listen. did i ask you to listen when youare studying?-why are you after me. you will attend every marriagebut do not care for my exams.

keep calm and do the snoopy dance, did i ask you? sit and then read- all boring wedding. can you stay back for meat least once for today .. ...for the sake of myexams? that is are the bangles?

you are merciless and lookjust like a monkey. get this a little bit down. - no-yeah, that is cool!,this is for old women you also got style!- tell me how i look? can you stay back?i will give you rs.20 rs. 20? that's too cheap. no.- rs. 30? no chance. all my girl friendsare coming today. girl friends for you?first fasten your zip. girls may get scared.

are you mad?i'll complain to mom. mummy... come back, i will show you.- you jerk! mind your business. don't open the door withoutasking visitor's name. there is tea in the flask.- won't you stay at home, dad? they might fight for your absence only,and if i too don't go, that will be worse if we attend marriages, thenyour marriage becomes easy we will come fast- come.. close the doors. ok? wait - what is it?mummy, daddy!...

rupa, give that cap- first switch on the records will you give it or not?-no...switch it on and then take it rupa, give his cap.we are getting late. please come early, dad please go slowly, sir.- it's ok.. no problem my wife has gone out of station.had a little bit extra. get into the car. rupa... my daughter -is thereanybody to help? who's rupa? oh god!

from boy-friend...-no, herfiancee... good looking and rich! he came yesterday only-what's happening?- having coffee. actually there're 7 days, 12 hrs,15 min. 20 sec more for wedding what have you done last night?i've been dreaming of you all night it is little bit extra. there is noreply for my 2 calls last night i was really with you only,in my dreams. it is ok, cut the phone.have to go to office? rupa! 'reliance' share rates haveincreased. dispose them off. 'eamcet' results are you know the number of ram?

you are absolutely useless. seeand learn from that girl it is shameful that our daughteris more educated than him as... ...our daughter is a doctor, butson-in-law is mechanic already two times by now!i have no belief now. who will comply with mein this house? food, sleep and your friends.this is all your life. no earning at all and he is lyingdown like a beast. get up! what? -results have come,and you failed again, fool. get up mother, if i could not pass interhow can i get a medical seat

you too scold now and then.this is injustice useless fellow! playing all dayand watching cable tv at night. how can you get ranks andseats, useless fellow. get up you live in whatever way you can.i won't give you single pie. grand mother! beat him.- anita! catch him come darling, let us go tothe bathroom i want a puppy. you promised melast time. -ok-i've no friends i'll purchase one for you.brush up your teeth first i do not want old songs.i want puppy.

rupa! take this naughty girland control her. actually we should keepthat snoopy fellow in zoo. but still i have toattend the singing class. how i wish roopa is dead! srikanth shouldbe bashed up and thrown in the drainage. rupa! raju has again fallen inlove, do you know? what has he done? see rupa! ms radha is nottalking to me. rupa! father is angry with know how crazy my mother is my parents are looking formatches for me...

if my career is bright, i may tellmy parents about his love i am in soup, due to his lovenow -this is too much, radha rupa! please advise him not totalk to me are you enjoying sound sleep,or unsound as in movies yes, i have no sleep becauseof my wedding arrangements then why do you attend officewhen wedding is next week.? today is the last day. there isone account to finalise today hi, what happened? he is yelling at me again.

did you give your wedding cardto our manager? yes, and also my resignation letter too..- what did he say? there was no expression onhim, but he said ok. these have to be stitched. a lot of dresses.more than enough for a marriage what to do? have to changeeverything... no pants... or t-shirts this cut should not go deep.should be at some higher level that is most important.don't forget it. hi... rupa -please tell her.i want within 2 days

mummy wants you to meet herthis evening. why, is it urgent?i have lots of work. i am disposing off my reliance shares- why? to meet our wedding expensesat your level. that's why, i have notdemanded dowry had you asked that, i'd have suggestedyou to look for some other bride i know, can't you adjust for mymother-granny is coming please come home this evening,need to introduce you to our relatives is it essential? -yes- when can we start?

you can go alone.i have to go to shoe store you can go there tomorrow.i will accompany you i feel tensed to go alone- you have to get used to it. should i take you to selectshoes? you will select some '60s is this shirt? -so so.. useless shirt. you can't like this.please remember to come at six come with a know the rules. i know, sir. no salwar, no scootyi should salute and be obedient. i should touch the feet of eldersas soon as i enter. is this ok?

stop here. it is 6 o'clockalready. what if it's late? why this tension as thougha world war has started? do you come inside? -noplease, not into this house they may degrade youif i accompany you as a friend pull your jacket down. stomachshould not be seen, for them they are very traditional you have asked me to comefor shopping. i do not like all theseformalities for my sake...- how do i look?- like my face

i am angry. i will tell you afterwe go back. have you come, daughter?come... this is the aunt of rahul she is our family friend fromkanpur these are rahul's paternaluncle and aunt from benares this sari is nice. but why didyou bring that girl with pants? she could wear some decentdress at least. shameless girl! another problem. i've to go tobathroom urgently. where's it? i do not know.please try to wait

you have to learn to cookour marwari food for our rahul could you manage all thearrangements for wedding? you're alone. can you arrangeeverything perfectly? the arrangements should bemade at grand level i am under pressure.- please wait do you want something?- we have to leave urgently. sit. these people've comefrom a long distance to see you --what have you prayed for? hello, what did you pray?you woke me in the morning for...

...coming here.- not one, buti prayed for many things. first, my marriage goes off smoothlyand i should be happy do you believe in it?- yes, a lot i'm tense, whether i can mergein their family or not... ...and if everything goes properly terrible. it is a bore.don't go to wedding if you feel so,what could i feel? new people, new house, all therestrictions levied only on me tell me one you really love mr. rahul?

i do not know anything.even i did not think of this much. i didn't find any deficiency in himwhen he proposed. he is rich and eligible.if he wants he can find... ...number of brides- don't say that you are after his money no, i am just mentioning no doubt, they are complementingyou by all means. but i think... may have to sacrificemany qualities after marriage that should not happen. hismother won't let you be yourself i do not know to what extentmr. rahul can support you

i do not know about rahul, buther mother is trying... dominate me already.i feel a little scared now. but then, god will look afterme well. i have no doubt. good luck will befall me with this marriage. looks like a mad man despite being rich and brought up in city,what is her name ...? ...venkatalakshmi?- why should we bother? ask for a boon.- what? venkatalakshmi should chooseand prefer me for marriage?

what? -no, i should chooseand prefer venkatalakshmi how can one marry withoutseeing even the bride's feet? do you like to see her feetbefore you make a choice? you are spoilt after you hadbeen to america. you are the real are misleading my mother... ...with your meaninglesssuggestions come, let us go. how is he calling youas rupa? raju, where is my father?- here only. -see there

dad... dad... rupa... rupa dad, let us go. she is not rupa. if you do likethis i'll not take you to marriage i will go back to america. raju!take dad to our place-ok i will come sit...please sit, dad your work is not over-if we further delay,mom may kill us. everything is a joke to you. sheis in tension now.

you have not come to seevenkatalakshmi, but... ...brought dad to showthe marriage of rupa please don't reveal this tomother. she may kill me how could mother like her? sheis driving her to temples. hi, venkatalakshmi-just lakhsmi- hi lakshmi, i am anand are these pullareddy sweets?- yes -they are nice you tell me - you start- this is very embarrassing i do not know anything aboutyou. even you do not know me mba is almost over. that toowith the consent of my mother

she is forcing me to seethe girls. sorry, i didn't mean that way.i am actually tired. did you see many girls? not many. a few only, that toowhen mother forced me. and what about you?- i am doing fashion-designing hobbies... i like cricket..and movies! you know chiranjeevi? ...his daughter, ms. pratimais my classmate. nagarjuna, now and then, visitsour house. -is it? -just kidding how many girls, haveyou seen before?

anand, will you put batteries inthis car?- so cute-what's your name? sameer-take this!-whose kidis this? -our driver's son he has been brought upwith us since childhood first tell me, whether you likevenkatalakshmi or not. you put me under suspense. i likeher. if you say ok... ...i'll finish the marriage. whatdo you say? all seems ok. raju, you tell i hurrying? chiranjeevi will come to yourmarriage. -what is that? he says that chiranjeevi'sdaughter is her classmate

what is that, anand? thereshould be some reason what is lacking in her? tell me,i have to answer them my good mother, go for sleep.i will tell you tomorrow. go away. i thought of fixing themarriage, if you like her i will go to vizag, at leasti can attend to work there. is it due to anand?-anywayshe'll come in 3 months you take everything as a joke.i have an important meeting. raju. show the marriage to thesepeople, send him to states... ...and later come to our nativetown accompanying your father

you're like a girl. i've to searchfor a new bride for you now be careful, anand-are youlistening-yes, you go. we'll see i'll leave - bye...- raju, take care of dad music in heartwhat happened to the lips? dreams came up in thestream of eyes they glistered in colourswith that disturbance music in heartwhat happened to lips? they glistered in colourswith disturbance your affection is like a fable in sleep

time only providesa soothing touch to dreams the great epic ramayanaflourished on earth but the fate may change forlove stories on earth don't forget the story of heartwhich is... ...a jasmine endeavouringin summer dreams looked upin the stream of eyes the bride is feeling shythough she is blossoming messages are usheringfrom her quiet heart even the messagesare noiseless

i am getting boredwhat shall we do? when will you prosper?you never followed me. you will not wear a suit. somestatus is required at least i will come just now.- father, where're you off to? on whose behalf have you come?- bride's behalf if so, please take this andserve this in that room rupa, where are you? you sit. i will check up whom do you want?- rupa... there... -wait, dad

sorry, he is my father.he intends to meet the bride. but who are you?- i am... who is that? where is he?-busy in the halllooking at girls. rupa! please take this.please take these too. who are you? who is this? you need this twice todaylest evil eye is cast on you please wear this sari, not in yoursouth indian style. please help her.

rupa wants to wear hermother's saree no, no. this is our familytradition. she's to wear this aunt! if i wear this, i feel thatmy mother is with me i already said "no". wear thissari and come quickly. you wait! i will talk to rahul and come.this is too much if you go again, you will bebeaten finished off your serving. facemust have value, not attire-come why do you create fuss fora small thing? this is not a small is her mother's saree.

since her childhood it is herdesire to wear it on her wedding it is a precious thing for herand for her sentiment i know it, anita. do not getexcited unnecessarily. it is better to follow elders inthese affairs. tell her to listen... mother. it's not a big deal.i'll see everything after wedding not a big deal?then i will keep like this only, big deal! you are just like goddessmahalakshmi grand mother! you tell her atleast. she advises us to change thissaree.- what happened to this?

rupa, didn't you change yoursaree yet? go and change madam! this is her mother'ssaree. let it be. it is good. being an elder woman, why areyou saying this? rupa, it is delayed already,go and change your saree i can't do it, mother. this sareeonly is good for me. i like my mother's saree.please listen to me rupa, will you change yoursaree or not? rupa, go and change your not make this a big issue anita, take her inside. i willgo and talk with them and come.

when she is so stubborn. she iselder, let us listen to her a bride should remainas a bride only it is a sin, if a bride talks backto her mother-in-law. we do not know your traditions,madam. please bear with us i am her mother-in-law. isn't ither duty to respect my word? she might talk back afterwedding-she's young. leave her. why should i leave this matter?she should change sari and come... ...touch my feet and apologize.then only i will come grandmother, please bring her.

i took pity on her as she has no parents. there is no dowry, no moneyand no caste. but she is very arrogant andnot at all obedient she has defied me in thepresence of all. i'll see her mother! what is this injustice? since she has nobody, you havetaken pity on her. you can change her aftermarriage as you wish. i can't shut my mouth. i willnot repeat the mistake i did first what have you told me?you said, she is obedient...

...and she will listen to usas she is an orphan. can't we get a girl like thisin our community? i consented to you due to my badfate. how dare she insults me? aunt! i did not expect that youwill be upset. i am really sorry realise and understand command is always an order. there is no amendment. you haveto follow without questioning. don't feel proud that youare the only one for my son my single call can bring hundredsof brides with millions of rupees stand in queue. after all,you are without parents, dowry,

and caste. i have only favouredyou due to pity. understand this. since you have no is not a license to do anything i'll show you after wedding whata mother-in-law is? go now. calm down, rupa-i am afraid ofthis marriage now rupa, count ten before doing anything- i have already counted hundred. yes, i have controlled myselfwhile she was talking to me. i require a clarification.- don't rupa, please... rahul, tell me one thing. -rupaplease go and get ready rahul, i need to know ..- let her can ask anything

you told me that you haveconvinced your mother. isn't it? did you tell her that i have noparents and will always oblige you? rupa, it is not like that.- you be quiet yes, it is for that only. yes,i agreed for that reason only that means you do not truly like have no belief in me you made her to showmercy on me rahul, are you marrying medue to pity or compassion? there are beautiful and veryrich brides in our community you are nothing as compared tothem. this is the truth-mother!

rahul! i am scared to live withyou. i fear to enter your house we are not demons. stop thisdrama right here. the marriage is not yet over,she is already trying to create... ...rifts between motherand son mother!- keep up our family respect tell me, rahul.- i am there for you.i love you rupa who requires your love? youloved me and at the same time .. preferred me to survivelike a obedient dog in your house i'm sorry -why do you talk likethat, rupa?

sorry, extremely sorry. if i donot wake up now, i may be... ...doing injustice to my ownlife. i don't need this wedding. i have compromised on manyissues in my life. but i can't pledge myself-respect and independence i can't survive as a dumb anddeaf creature let her go. there are hundredsof brides craving out there. don't you feel ashamed to begher like an orphan? rupa, please consider. if themarriage is stopped... ...your life will be ruined.don't be silly.

do you spoil your marriagefor a saree. this is neither a silly thing,nor the question of a saree. even now you are saying that ican't live without you... ...but you could not say that,you will miss me you are posing as thougha saviour of my life... instead of surrendering my lifeand ruining it... ...i prefer to ruin my lifewith my own hands i'll feel much better. it's need not regret for me what happened, anita?rupa, whereto?

anita, i lost my control if i could control, my weddingwould have been over i am arrogant. i have made amistake. my mom wouldn't have allowed this neither you have done anymistake and did everything rightly let me tell you that god hashelped you a lot rahul is not fit for is god's decision. if you forget all this, i tell you,you'll be happy in some days now stop crying. please takerest. shall i sleep here? mother! why didn't you take mewith you?

how many days should i bein pain like this? hundreds of girls are seen onroad. you can like them also can you stay here for thatreason? think logically. what is your level and prestige?come, let us go. what do you know about her? just now, she had spoiled herwedding, she might be in love withsomebody, or... ...with many people. what is theguarantee? think logically who is she? what is herfamily?...

she has no family. you mighthave forgotten, but i didn't. who is responsible for that?my father... he caused an accident in a fullydrunken state to her family why do you talk irrelevantly? you scare me sometimes. we shouldthink with our heart at times. why do you talk of thecharacter of an innocent girl? where can you stay? how canyou answer our mother? how can you adjust here?- i will try. there is no loss of course, i will stay there.let us check

what about mother?what about your mba studies? manage our mother somehow. i can appear for mba exams.after 6 months mba is not more importantthan a life partner mother may get anxious.- don't tell mother now and then i will call asthough i am in america please help me at this point. if not, i may have to marrya junk girl if she comes to know of youit may lead to many complexities

you see, she is verysensitive. first i should like her. afterthat, she should like me and only then the question ofmarriage. my name is anand. i have seenthat "to let" board. one room is enough for me. iwon't do any mischief i know. i know your mother also.i only posted the wedding card you can go if you are up to any mischief, i'll catchyour neck and kick you out. hello! -what? -i stay there.toilet... -you can go

what is your name?- i am anand why did you come to my room?- i am in the outhouse my name is samata- thanks samata anand! can you help me?-whathelp? -come inside, i'll tell you give that paste to me.- you've brushed already not for brushing.i like paste very much. are you afraid of dogs?- no, why? srikanth has got one dirty always growls at me so, i should fight with it.

yes, didn't i give youbath room or not? from now onwards, we arefriends. this is my friend, anand.he will beat this dog a lot hi, i am anand, staying there onrent. -grandma told me thanks for allowing meto use the bathroom. for jogging? -yes- can i come with you. no. mind your own business. is rupa inside, sir?- ask inside payment for tents?- what?

for yesterday's tentsand also for rickshaw... is this sufficient?-bill is forrs. 2,000 only madam. you have paid excess...- no problem, keep it with you did you meet rupa?not until now, please we are friends, let me shareyour work with you mind your own business, man rupa, open the door.- come, anita what is this, rupa like apatient? everybody is celebrating yourdecision. he was not fit for you

i had got used to him a lot. everything has changed in asingle day-don't weep now how can i go to office now? i have distributed my weddingcards, threw parties to everybody i have also submitted byresignation everybody is staring at me as amad woman and arrogant let them think what they is their fate there are hundreds of jobs tochoose. come, let us go out. our friends are waiting for us.

everybody is thinking that i havespoiled my wedding for a sari. rupa! please forget.please quit the subject. whoever can understand usonly can remain our friends. we should worry onlyabout them. we need not bother for thepeople who don't value us. please come...- you can go. i have no mood just for a change, please come.- i've no mood, you can go please call rupa.- go away, man -anita rupa, i am sorry please.i was left with no choice.

rupa, please understand me.i could not do anything. my mother... leave your mother aside.your love itself is faulty. she is happy without you- anita, allow me to talk to rupa who is he? -what is it to you?anyway, i'll tell you. he is rupa's new boy friendcome, let us go to movie rupa just got independence on september 15.we are celebrating! rupa, i could not support you,but do you know my position? i had mother and you on either side.what can i decide then?

rahul, i know your limitations.if i've to change myself... ...according to your mother'swhims throughout my life... ...i may hate myself andyou too may also lose your love for me this will not be good for both of us.hence i put up a break... ...without dragging you into themess, so that you may... ...not be affected further.please do not force me, rahul. you are upset now.i will meet you again anita, i got severe headache,i am going home anita. you can stay here. i'll gowith her. samata is calling.

aren't you interestedto see movies? rupa! -rupa, i heard about theincident. sorry. i heard that everythinghappened due to a sari. will you please sit there?- no, please there is a seat in the rear.- if so, you can sit there you sat by the side of a girl,how can you leave it? rupa! you could have told themto shut their mouth you can say "shut up" to whoeverif you don't like their talk. shut up!

what is it?- urgent anita...-don't create as aninternational problem. come in it is difficult to control it.-thisis the last time, i allow you make your own arrangementsfrom tomorrow onwards whereto boss?- to super market -come... are you new to this town? i met you day before.did you forget me? was that you who stepped intomy auto with anita? what is this? is this a newstyle of open type auto?

no, this is my styleali style i saw you with those collegeboys. did you quit your studies? it may be better you have abasic degree get down first from auto- what happened, boss? everybody gives advice. you aregreat, we're all waste i just said... - what isthis casual remark, boss? mother shouts in house, and onroad, people like you? get down is there anybody to help?- i am here did you at least catch aglimpse of rupa's feet

- what?-i am just asking. you are taking a lot of trouble. i just wanted to check up onecriteria at least.-i'll kill you you must have made some friends here.- i have one friend hi! uncle.she's my friend is that small girlyour friend? anand, is anita there?call her to the ground. boys are fighting... the ground, they arebeating up ali and ram.

- i will just come. is it a serious fight, - i don't knowanand! shall i call gautam?-yes are you ms anita?-yes, why?everybody is looking for you they said that some fighting isgoing on in the ground. keep all those insidekeep them, man did you beat me? come to ourside, i will show you they made a betand are fighting over it. the rules have been changedagain, anita they are always like that..unfair..and these people will never learn.

did you beat our man? brother! he only beat me.- how dare you hit our man? what guy! aren't you keento survive on earth? no brother!i didn't say anything. after all you are a kid before me.i will break your bones no brother, they are changingthe stakes. first, give the money fast- why should we bother? let us bet again and play.- who will play? take out the money leave them.

why this fight? they are youngboys, please leave them who are you, man? haven't you got sistersin your home? anita, go home with also go. hi, he is arrogant. take him inthe van. i'll break his pride. are you ok? - was a small fight. you came with an army raju called me up when i was around,is he the leader for this? leave them goutam. this is just petty stuff- you go. i will see -ok... don't put your hand on me.hey, call the mla

these people won't listen in asmooth way. you please go. i will deal with them.- ok guys, let us go you won't understand by meretalking. phone now. gautam is my cousin.he just stopped by. and who is that in the house?- he is raju. he's also my cousin how many cousins do you have? after all, i came here tryingfor a job. hey, where is my stuff?- there... he is dead now.he picked up fight with gautam.

who is this girl, seems crazy.- anita... i put her bags inside.she didn't even thank me and.. trying to order me around. actually, you are wrong.why did you have to play with those rogues? what do we know of them?they bet with us and we played they seem like murderers.did you see their language? you got only them...- ali, tell him not to touch me. leave it -why, all the familymembers pray for his welfare... ...but this hero fights with rogues

if they had done anything to me,then you could've wept for me. radha, this is too much. ali, actually he should havebeen at the coaching centre... that time.then, why did he come here? radha! why do you raise theissue of medical seat... ...when he has no interest in it. anand! you don't understand. moreover, you can't understandmy concerns at all. i told you not to touch me

if you do not talk to me, won'ti also feel bad? i love him even if he begs on roads, i will stilllove him but my dad won't be quiet. if you do not get a seat thistime, he'll never agree then we may have to elopewithout anybody's knowledge anita! is ali there?-he is not home yet!- i'll inform you if he comes he went out in the morningand god knows where he is. this is another secretive life what is your problem? if youpass xii, you can go to dubai oh god! lessons after lessons.- shut up. auto is enough for you

if you sight a girl, you can'ttake your looks off. can't you do something and passyour xii class? i will surely pass this time. i had to hear all those bad words fromthe rogues because of you. nonsense! why all the people startedweeping today? anand! -what happened?- beat srikanth... see this i have drawn a boy's picture andhe had drawn a line on it teacher awarded mewith zero marks anand! isn't that every boy willhave that. her teacher is mad

no, you are only mad- anand, you tell us samata, he is correct,boys do have that. don't you feel shame? are thosethings taught to children? samata, come to me. don't talkto him. he is a devil. rupa! what's wrong intelling facts to the children? will you shut your mouth?samata, come to me ok samata! boys will not haveit. is it ok? that is worse.get up and come with me rupa! hi, how are you?

is that you, rupa?- sir i heard the news.i thought of calling you. i do not say sorry etc.,i know, you are a mature woman... ...and you might havetaken an appropriate decision. my resignation... i am coming to that. i have notyet approved that yet .. you can continue as usual.same seat, same group. no problem the black clouds have comeand the wind is pinching we have overwhelming sufferings,hidden in our hearts and behind our eyes

will you solve them ã” breeze and rain!will you sing a lullaby. rain's paved a glittering pathrain's also provided lighting the hot pakodas andsinging in storm it is awaiting her match.leave her for equal match just as a glittering colourfulrainbow. the beauty of the ladyis wet in water waves little things are beautiful in mayfor lively tunes, a drum is enough we have overwhelming sufferingshidden in our hearts and behind our eyes will you solve them ã” breeze and rain!will you sing a lullaby

black clouds have comeand the wind is pinching rain is dropping at our desire raising ambitions of lovein our heart dazzling beauties arethe wet rains they are the marriages in therainy pendals as eyes in peacock's quill... ...they look for somebody tosnap with her fingers in rain flash of clouds are handsome the unquenched thirst enhancesthe beauty of heart

we have overwhelming sufferingshidden in our hearts and behind our eyes. hi. since morning you are not seen- i've to go for shopping rupa will not come until evening?- where has she gone? do you want details?is there anything special? no, just casual enquiry she has gone to nursery.she goes there sometimes we have to attend a wedding i came for you this morning.where had you been? i thought, you may prefer togo there

can i go now?- do you want to go? -yes ask ali.he may take you there. anita told me perhaps you mayrequire some help. do you need to runto come to me? wait, it is not like that rupa, please listen to me.give me a chance my mother is of old generation.our traditions are troublesome if you ask me to choosebetween either mother or wife... can i answer suddenly?think reasonably.

i required some time tothink over the problem i should have reacted atthat time only rupa, time has not lapsed.i will talk to my mother let us work out a solution.please give me some time. rupa, don't get angry.tell me something i will see you tomorrow my work is finished...- can you complete this too? keys...i will come tomorrow, madam. whom will you give thoseflowers?

i will give to anita.are you going to home? - yes. how much is this?- rs. 200 can you give it for rs.20?...- i can give this for that price darkness has surrounded can he come? if he comes, he will chatter andgive me headache. let me see come sit by the side.- how can i, like ladies... i am irritated. it is your need.if you want, you can sit...

...if not, you need not. idea.. i will drive.can you sit at the back? thanks for the idea.this is your need. tell me your preference at once.- ok what is this?...tell me, what is this? this costs rs.200i was foolish to offer you lift it happened just like that, unknowingly.- go to hell it will be hell for us,through out the night. we can't do the work

there is also some other jobfor that hero. please come in rupa.- you've headache -yes fever -yesbody pain - too much three times a day- thanks at this hour of night, with such rain,you came for me do you watch a lot of movies?- yes, i love them i thought so. there is no such thing don'tuse your imagination. we've lots of work if you cough through out thenight, it is a disturbance to us this is done by you. those blackmarks should not appear to me

either you get it washed,or purchase a new one... is up to you. understand? rupa, will you please sit for awhile? you came to my room... ...for the first time.tea, coffee ...? are you ok now?- yes. but i feel weak come with me.- tell me whereto.. will tell you on the way.come please wait, i will come now.- come did malaika come in your dreams?- did she tell you?

just i was working on lighting,camera etc. do you see any bigflower in my ear? i was not looking at the legs ofmalaika. it is ok, every boy looks atgirls' legs anyway leave malaika!try rupa what is this eatable?it is so hot this day is an important dayfor rupa. today is the death anniversary ofher parents she is giving lunch to all thepeople in old age home

it is a pity. she lost her parentsand brother in an accident -i know i've to go to nursery. i willgive you a drop at old age home please help her in serving lunch.don't eat up her head she is on silent penance today.- yes madam, i will do rupa, take this can i ask you some thing.little bit personal i can tell you, if you do notscold and beat me you should not get angry.nothing serious did you ever think of the man, whohad caused the accident?

if he meets you again,what you will do then? will you kill him? i do not know anything abouthim. i never thought about it aren't you angry with him?- no. -is it true? i feel that the accidenthappened because of me only i delayed them for a longtime with my stubbornness if they had left at theirscheduled hour... ...i feel that the accident mightnot have happened you give me such painbut walk away with a smile

you hurt me butsprinkle flowers on wound she hides in her words.and make me wonder rupa, do you require any help?i'm here for you. you go... ...and sit leisurely. tell me whatyou want. no formalities so lovely as a babypretty as a belle teasing me as moonlight..killing me with her teasing all of them have gone anand.we are late sparkling beauty, i love youmoonlike beauty, i love you you woke me up and faced meas my first love

i could not sleepwithout your sweet dreams will you give me a boonor leave me alone? i dream even in is only you in my dreams ...and also in my thoughts. you came as companionand settled in my heart you've raided over mefrom the sky could you become half of meas my companion? say yes or no. sparkling beauty, i love youmoonlike beauty, i love you

chill is too much, isn't it?- yes mr. anand.will you come this side? you do not know me, i do notknow your bona fides... why do you opt to do thesestupid things? tell me, why did you touch me? if i shout, all will think i'veproblems. i've lots of problems did i say anything to encourageyou in anyway? then, why did you touch me?do you think it a fashion? did you intend to take leniencybecause you helped me?

no, it is not like that, rupa if not, tell me why have youtouched me? frankly, i did not consider it toodeeply. that was a weak moment these sort of things will happensometimes i think, it is better to drop thissubject here. i can say sorry. what is this?- it is only a cover, rupa if so, will you tear it? yesterday, you have spoiled mychunni, today this cover i feel, i may kill you. the faultis mine. i should not have...

...talked to you. if i talk to you againbeat me with your shoes i do not know about the seatcovers and chunnis... ...but generally rupa hasstruggled a lot since the time of cancellation ofher wedding, i thought she would... ...start hating men aswell as marriages but she became normal from thatstate. it is great. she requires time to becomecompletely normal. but she will not allow anybodyto approach her. it's guaranteed but there should not be anyconfusion in love affairs

love should come from inside what? - all the girls in this cityare giving me sermons what for?- yesterday rupa. today you. rupa! please talk to my motheronce. i will take you there rahul. this is last time. i amneither interested to meet... ...your mother nor visit yourhouse. do not waste your time with find out somebody... your caste, a millionaire,and marry her. be happy please leave me alone.i beg of you.

rupa, i can't be happy withoutyou. i can't leave you i would like to sell these andsend my grandson to school please come to me daily,i will purchase it. - ok he is pursuing her everyday.he might have done something either give a warning, or lodge apolice complaint but i can't understandthe reason to cut her hair leave the matter of hair. weshouldn't opt for police complaint i think, we have to give astrong warning isn't it better to quit that job?

nothing is required. i will tellyou. if we call the priest... ...he will bring 100 matches.- you are off she can be happy will end up his nuisance i will phone him right now. take this dupatta. i havesearched five shops... ...for correct are killing me this has become a full time jobfor me -thanks did you check up carefully? - do you require a microscope?does she use one?

i want a job. -job.- yes, in rupa's office do you think that jobs aregrown on trees? you think about it. i'll come justnow. this dupatta is nice. rupa... -tell him, that it isnot of same colour. you did not even see it. one black line is missing. tellhim, that i do not want it. this is too much. do you rejectthis for a mere black line? anita! tell himnot to waste my time was it not too much, when yourub my chunni with grease?

tell him anita, that he shouldget a correct chunni. i will purchase a new one.a would you talk to me then atleast? -yes... tell me, when will youspeak to me then? failed! says one black line is talk like a great man! can't you purchase one chunniproperly? no, you can't manage with thisgirl. come and happily... ...marry venkatalakshmi.come, let us go write down the details of thecompany. i need work in 2 days

i will look after theaffair of chunni. i have never seen a junktailor like you see beautiful she is job matter is somewhat risky.mother might come to know. samata dear,go out and play i am outside the house only, you carry on- i will try. what else? sari suits rupa a lot. shelooks amazing from behind looks sexy... what is this?in front of small kids?

what else means, i thoughtyou would ask about mom or me, friends,not about rupa's sari now, the interesting topic isonly love.. - take tea, sir take tea.- have you got used to all this? what do you think of the girlnext to rupa? what is rupa's responseto you? as far as i know, she hasgot a good opinion for me now they might be talkingonly about me they show on tvs as if you getthat whiteness in just one wash

but we have to die here. if so let us change over tosurf excel. i think that's better. anand!... i got a puppy. happy birthday-thank youcome, i will show you. see... what will you name it?- bow bow it is his first day of office.he is very excited. why are you singing his song?...hero is asking are you here?how is that? i did not tell you of my job.i just wanted to surprise you

have you done anything to getthe job? -magic i have some connections.leave the matter of job alone... i am happy thatyou are talking to me. i never expected that you canjoin in our office. i never thought that you were this worthy. is he bill gates? or doeshis father own this office? i have invested a lot in thisoffice. i want professionalism i know that.please listen to me. no, you should listen to me.please terminate him at once.

we are not running a free inn or, do you have any interest?if so, please tell me one year contract for advertisementcampaign from... ...singaraju group of industries,worth of 2 crores in exchange, we give one job,at rs. 20,000 salary ...and that is my interest. i am not a man to run free inns. i have executed number of suchdeals with your late father is he such a special candidate?

can we track his background? rupa, come, let us go. rupa, rain will not stop nowit is going to be dark. listen to me- didn't i tell you to leave me alone? let us go.- leave me didn't she tell you, boss?why do you force her again? mister, i am talking to her.- i am talking for her are you talking for her? are youthe new boy friend of rupa? all staff was talking about you.sorry sir. i am going away

who are you? have i appointedyou as my bodyguard? there may be thousandsof dealings between me and him why are you concerned about me?- rupa, i wanted to help you there are hundreds of girlsneeding help, on the streets go and help themi do not need your help. i only told himwhatever you told him once it is my problem, not yours.tomorrow, if my colleagues... ...say that i've a new friend,will you say that you 'just' helped rupa, i did not think like that.i am sorry for that.

i did not think that this willbecome a big issue you need not think of me. youlook after your own affairs i can handle my problems. more over, i do not like anybodyto interfere in my affairs if i am friendly with you as you'rea neighbour to me... ...don't behave as if youown me i am already sick of one... nowyou don't start this again. don't pursue me any more.please... raju, take first flight and cometomorrow.-what's it?-nothing

why does she compare mewith him always? it is ok, anand. she will becomenormal by tomorrow you are correct. he is worst.- she should have that sense it is clear from your face,that you love rupa i would say thatshe is very lucky did you sit herethroughout the night? i felt that i might have hurt you.your life is yours. it is correct. i will not interfere least i will try ok. i have excused you.tell me some thing else

i am not such a bad man.- i know it. i told you to leave it definitely not like rahul.- i know, please leave that topic i am different. rahul is different.- you crazy! you are killing me hello, come and take your friend.he is killing me here. raju! please go away now.i can't come now you only called me- sorry! please go away. anand! will you please fix mybelt?-not now, i'm busy. please, i'm getting late...-don'tirritate me.-i will see you i came to you by early call me once, and you tell... to go away at once.this has become a joke sorry raju.don't think otherwise. rupa, anand was saying,somebody should watch rupa from behind, they willbe blown, she is so...^ rupa! i was only paying you a look good from front also. again, you speak about the samematter. keep quiet. who are you to talkabout my body? rupa! you are beautiful from front,but more on rear... if you talk of my body again,i will break your legs. i'll kill you.

anand, i got a big ladder anand! i said sorry. i too getirritated when i get angry anand! can you get sweetsurgently for ten people? why do you ask him?ali will get for us this is too much, rupa. i willget the best quality sweets anand! take rupa's vehicle i do not think of them always,rupa -shut up. be careful. generally, i don'tgive my vehicle to others what saree you will wear?- it is a waste

stupid! idiot! where're youseeing? the road is there. i like travelling very much. since i could not get the cardi have stopped travelling. once we are married and i getthe card we can go around. of course only if you like.. come fast.-i had an accidentrupa's vehicle is damaged you are off -you stay here- why this hurry? an nri alliance has come forrupa. grandma has arranged it. is it? -don't get tense.let us see.

tension? if he is good, and ifrupa says ok, i am off why grandma is worried for hermarriage? am i not here? should i get sweets for thispurpose of rupa's marriage? i have to see him at once- they are inside. why don't you understand me?- you be here. i will ask you one thing,don't mistake me. no problem. is it about mysalary? my salary is 80,000. age is 26.i have no girl friends. is yours a bald head?just a little doubt

i am habituated to this. if youdo not like, i will take it out. there is no such thing. see his face. came fromamerica like an ape. he is a tenant. no bath roomin that portion. -it is ok a cap in addition to that off. everything is off. -is hegood? -yes, he's very good they are talking and laughing.if rupa says yes? she is superfast. he may saywedding in one week i will be spending timedistributing fruits and sweets

sorry, i have forgottenmy towel. i am there, rupa. i willsee to everything the entire fault is of grandma.oh god, please she should not see it...she should not see it. very tight. not moving at all.- be careful. rupa's vehicle. shut up! nothing will happen. can murthy repair this?-yes, it'llbe costly-how much?-a lot bow bow will do it for us.- ok, let us try i will say... 1, 2 & 3,ali will strike and bow bow should cry

we should say 1, 2 & 3in its ear. give another chance- ok, let us try again i will send you bill for the tail lamps,mr. anand we've to go to rahul's house.will you come.. his mother passed away, suddenlydue to heart-attack. come... i feel blank.she was in goodhealth. it all happened so suddenly.. i have nobody, rupa.- console yourself, rahul rahul, take this. please/ are you still here?...- shall we go?

please sit. he is totally upset.- i know as he has nobody, i spent along time with him-it's ok you got angry. if not, why areyou so silent? if you speak, i will knowwhat is wrong. yes, i got angry. you woke meup in midnight. both of us came together> i waited outside like awatchman through out the night you simply come in the morningand ask me if i was still there

won't i get angry then- sorry. i did a mistake? i just forgot. but it was notwith intention. take it easy what do you want? tea, dosa,coffee ...-it is ok what is it?- you walk first. you have problems to show yourrear side even but you will believe him asthough he is a holy man he is a big fraudand a manipulator i am telling you. you listen.his pain... weeping etc. there may be some planningbehind it

one idli and one coffee. you keep shouting bigbut you are quite innocent wait! you can getsomething else. first he will impress youwith a sentiment then, he will make you feelguilty after that... he will...- don't talk his mother died yesterday only.why are you talking like this? it is ok. i am talkingabout your future he will propose to marry youwithin 2 weeks maximum

he won't get a better timeto make a proposal all the men thinkin a similar way they will surrender until theyget what they want i am saying this very seriously aren't you also similar to them? of course,i am better a little bit he is suffering, it is ok. whereis the need to touch you? he can suffer even standingat a distance. think about it not only that... - thanks- ok, have idli

he will call you daily.he will say that he has nobody he will keep repeating it- are you jealous of rahul? may be, i like to live with him!please think about it. my problem was with her motheronly. now she has passed away perhaps, i am manipulating him. of course, you are capable ofthat. you spoiled your wedding for a sari. again, you may marry him?...- go to hell what does your friendthink of herself to be?

is she queen victoria? what does she think of anand?what you people think of him? what do you know of himactually? a snap from his finger,hundreds of brides will queue up she is just an insect in front ofanand on taking whose names barren lands willturn fertile, on taking whose name... enemies' hearts will sink into their knees, he is the same indra sena reddy,do you know why he is living in disguise, having come all the wayfrom rayalaseema to varanasi?

do you act in movies?- why? please hold these first.hold... i will tell you hold it... rain may come tell me now again. what isthat? insect... elephant... i could not understand.tell me again. -i'll tell you what does she think of anand?he is like an elephant... rupa is like an insect. she is insulting me with herarrogant comments a single punch is enough for her.

yes, rupa is less thaneven an insect no, she is like a mosquito- very good. anything more? hello mr. elephant! am i aninsect? no... mosquito? isn't it what you said?i will tell you is it ok? -will you give me a punch?what're you doing?-you are off don't ever deal with me you're the worst of all!since morning i have been .. ...helping her by all means andpacified her by now, and now it is almost spoiledbecause of you.

you can't help me in this birth.go away ok, aunt..- this is it. bye rupa- bye rahul. has he gone? -yes- do you feel bad? she said about meall that she could. she challenged me saying thatshe will see my end finally, i am compelled to seeher ashes rupa! he is there. he maycall anybody, at any time who knows this fact betterthan you? relax, take it easy rs.10 - for one, rs.15- for two-don't want it.

how much?-rs.10for one, rs.15 for two. take two for 15 rs. sir.-can i see it? -see sir anand, please return. -pleasetake it-unnecessary stuff take another one sir.only fifteen rupees - ok yes, give -what for?- i will give it to samata why do you smile at everybodyon the road, that too at girls? i always smile when i see somebody.not merely at girls grand father, please come. -no,males should enter from rear side rule is a rule -be careful...- it is ok...

your boy friend?-no...- yes- would you like to sit here? no problem -you can sit here.- it is ok. don't you have shame? do youtake a seat from an young girl? this is too much. you speak asif i did some mischief. she... ...herself has offered her seat- you have no shame at all grandfather! don't you feel ashamed ofputting your hand on a girl? come out...- leave me, sir. rogue! rupa! i will wait here. you cango inside and do shopping

why do you show your angeron me because you beat up someone... come come... this is the age to fallknowingly into the trap of love the lovely eyes will be filledwith romantic dreams anand! you can go. i have somework. i've to see my friend why so suddenly?shall i accompany you? no. you please go. are you ok? -yes, you can go- i can't understand her how much is this? -rs.200- can you give for rs.20?

didn't i tell you to go home? i can purchase it for rs.20some day. you will see it. you are really killing me.what is the matter?-come you always nap. sit down - what?- i have to tell you something i had a day dream. -good...let me go and sleep.-stay! anand came in my dreams.that too when i was awake... day light.- dream? in day light? that too when you are awake!

sorry! i can't help you.still you are sleeping. it happened just now. ok, he also comes into mydream as we all roam together. listen to me. i had a dream asthough i have kissed him... ...and many such thingsin dream. yesterday, while coming by bus,anand beat up some passenger afterwards, only we two werein the lift. suddenly something hashappened to me -is it true? may be your inner feelings arepouring out like this -shut up!

sorry! i went in as i thought youwere not there. don't mistake me! did you have sound sleeplast night? -yes... why? no... no... i could not sleep at all- why? -all because of dreams the guy whom i beat upcame in my dream he married somebody and gotchildren too. everything is ok so no guilty feelings...- was this your dream? why the temple programme earlyin the morning? any marriage alliances orgoing to attend some wedding? should i say? -yes- it will cost you

you can ask me anything.i will give you. tell me today is rupa's birthday i see. now i understood. she wasso cool today and different too. she was also feeling shy.- but what about my gift? you look beautiful and lookdifferent at different times isn't it too cool? how can you explain?- do you want the answer? yes, my psychologist-if so, youmay propose to her. you think so-yes- is it true? -yes i know?

if so i will tell her tonight.- ok -no, today evening.-ok... no, now itself.- ok. rupa... -what rupa, you want to say something? nothing... why did they give you the name'rupa' the govinda's underwear. why are you named 'anand'as though you're a cancer patient leave it. tell me this.don't get angry. ok? will you agree, if rahul comesback and asks you to marry him? is this topic essential? why doyou raise junk topics, when i'm... ...tensed up about the presentationi have to make, you make me angry

ok, leave it, where is party?- what party? birthday treat, rupa.- there is no such thing if you want, i will cookdinner for you today. oh my god... mother! what is this? you may falldown. - nothing... i'm used to sitting to the right side andthat's more comfortable for me rupa, i've some other work.will you stop the vehicle here? i have to go for some other job.stop here. it is very important you told me that you willhelp me?

it is urgent rupa.will meet you again. hello -hello raju!how come mother is here? where are you going? -to youroffice only in the afternoon what is the matter ...? -whatcan i say... time pass ok, disconnect your phone. rupa, i had to meet a friend inrailway station suddenly. sorry ok, see the work first.- tell me what i should do? set the projector, copy cd fromnetwork, all these to be xeroxed this presentation has to betested finally before she comes

it is only in the afternoon- how did you know? please leave all those things. give me those presentationpapers from here-we are in entrance.hide fast or you will die is your name rupa?- yes madam she is handling your textileaccount...-rupa, come fast this is an ad & this is ameeting! i can't understand it. all those are waiting foryou there. come fast. rupa, check if somebody elsecan come. i've some work here.

rupa! did the presentationgo well? sorry rupa! i had somejob suddenly that is padma... something else- go to hell hai..-tell me, what i should do?- will you do it? don't follow meor talk to me. rupa, i have to tell you onething. let us go out for dinner. you will yourself understand.- not necessary rupa, do not go. rupa, again he is employing newtechniques-leave my hand

if you get angry with me,it is ok. this is stupidity.he doesn't leave you who are you to tell meall this? if you talk in excess,i'll kill you rupa, i tell you for the lasttime. don't go with him. please rupa, no coffee or tea? sorry rahul. i have some work.let us see another time hi, happy birthday.- thank you rahul, what is this? i told youthat i have work

i have to talk to you for sometime. can't you do this for me? one thing is sure can say anything. i know you still have feelingsfor me. let us forget about anandfor a second. -rahul? let me complete..please mistakes take place in life.i have also committed mistakes but, above all, love isimportant. right? the only problem was mymother... god took her away rupa, let us marry.- rahul

now and here itself... we neednot think about anybody. no rahul. -please understandwhat i say. i love you rupa, let us marry.please... you are fully drunk. go home.if not, i will call police i love you- get out! if you try to talk again withrupa, or if you touch rupa... ...i will peel off your skin my name is not just real name is anand singaraju, managing director of anandsingaraju group of industries

do you consider yourself greatif you have a foreign car... ...and bought a big building? i can employ hundred people like youto clean the utensils and... ...wash her clothes, if that girlagrees. get that straight and go away. go and marry the jerk,who is rolling in junk he was treating you like a servantmaid. forces you at mid-night isn't it he better than me? heonly suits you. go and marry him when i approach you with loveyou do not oblige. should be like that only.that is correct.

i would like to seewhom you will marry i should salute the great manwho can cope with you, crazy girl. you are mad. you can'tunderstand the heart of a girl moreover talk a lot of rubbish.get lost. -get lost i need not stay here. and i neednot tolerate your nonsense i have a life of only have to cry - you cry if you want wanted to present a nice gift for thebirthday. spoiled everything. i do not want your dirtygift. take it and go.

you are not fit for this. rupa, i searched all over city,to purchase a diamond for you but i could not find a beautifuldiamond than you. happy birthday two chicken please- two kilos...-yes i have prepared a special dinnerfor you. please come sorry, i have already finishedmy dinner. you can have a taste at least i have prepared chicken with alot of care for three hours you prepare for 3 hrs. orfor a whole day...

...i am not hungry at least you can give mecompany. come... anand! where are you going?- i have to go, rupa. i need time because of me? -i do notknow, but i have to go when will you come?- i do not know he is gone.-don't weep.he will come. i did not say anything.- don't weep. he will come after a few daysfor the festival but rupa, how could heunderstand unless... express your mind to him aren't you only mine?aren't you only mine? you are like the morning ragaand a silent tune. whether near or far, you areonly my happiness is it happiness?is it happiness? extended to me as a stringand increased my thrust hidden in a coward's heartand astonished me as a spark dreams or tears?- came as a string of flowerbut created a sweet burn in me

hidden as a threadin flowerlike heart aren't you thereor is it your image? whether near or far, youare only my happiness? is it happiness!is it happiness! came as a peacock and teachme a new song & make me laugh what is that raga andwhat is its beat? as a little waveyou reach the shore you will transform this whisperinto a deep hug . is this love? whether near or far, youare my happiness.

anand! the old lady has asked you to callher. let us go once are you looking for somebody?- no. can i sit here?- yes what is going on here?- 'dandiya' radha! are you talking with him again? bet is over. i told him to studyhard. result is not in our hands here the girls are ... would you like to dance?- what? i asked you whether you wouldlike to dance

i have no good mood.- aren't you angry with me? if you have anything in your mindtell me directly. we can solve it if you remain silent, how cani understand, tell me ok, you need not give my chunni.i have forgiven you you should be given anoscar for best acting. come, let us dance...aren't you in good mood? rupa, you are really always have your way magic... -you know that i do notknow to dance.-no problem if i do any mistake you shouldnot cry, point out or weep

ok for you?- god promise. oh! my foot. you trampled my foot.- come we'll go and sit didn't i tell you rupa,that i do not know to dance anand! don't go. stay here only-keep the foot onground, we will see in light it is ok...- stay here please. i can't rupa. i would have goneby now, but waited for results i am not comfortable here. anand!- i can't stand the conflicts etc...

will you please listen to meonce? i feel trouble even to talk.please listen to me once anand! i want you.i want you a lot yes, i have shouted at you.i may look like a devil to you it is past. but i can't dothese things with anybody else... ...except you understand? anand! i tell you finally. if youdo not like me... ...please tell me and you cango home after that. no, you stay back even if youdo not like me.

i like you very much. i like yourwords very very much. i like your laugh. i very muchlike you... i love you. my parents and brother diedin a car accident. since then i am alone. when rahul proposed,i have asked grandmother... actually i have asked everybody. but i did not tell our affairto anybody but you should know this.i never kissed rahul... i did with you- rupa, i don't need to know all this.

i wanted to tell you i thought of telling you before youask, i know you will not ask... ...but during the course of lifein some foul mood... may ask me, at which time,i may lose respect for you it depends on you... you shouldbe at a high level, you know? do you have jealousy?- of course, i have i almost had a heart attack whenyou were talking with the nri guy but what about you? are youjealous? -no if i go around with another lady afterour marriage what will you do?

you crazy! your would ask more of lifejust to look after me alone... ...and how could you manageanother one besides me? i want to kiss you.. no, not again. you alreadyconfused me the first time i will close my eyes- may be, this is love it drives the lovers to doeverything's my dearest!but not now come, get down.- whereto. -come i love my father very much.- tell me about him

he was born a big man,struggled a lot, earned a lot and.. became a child he is happily enjoying. really, how good it would be ifwe're all born big, struggle and... ...earn a lot and becomechildren again? consider, what will happen tonature? hello hero! i will tell a secret.if you keep your hand there... ...i am blown. it is a hint to youif you want to please me. when i get angry, you can usethis technique. another thing. never get yourhair cut again.

this is not a request,rather an order. this is from your should not deny. so cute. i love you so muchcome, let's kiss. i can't resist. you are not entitled to this.- why? didn't you pull my gift from me,hero? -wait, rupa... evening twilighton the bank of yamuna river dreams became trueas you, in my eyes dreams became trueas you in my eyes the moonlight is on godavaririver with sparkles

it can't stay there. evening twilighton the bank of yamuna river< just one smile, like an invitationto the destiny just one sigh,like victory for us the love is warm in winterlt blossoms as a flower don't forget, it is a happy,happy and happiest sweet story you are entitled to enjoyand enjoy until you satisfy love can get the better of fate. love makes you forget time andit is boundless>

anand! your mom has come. they have come. she is rupa! -get formalities please i will deal with you latter became very smart call grandmother. anita, my mother and raju- they're srikanth, snoopy and samata -hai! rupa, he is raju. he got a lot offlak from you. please come to me. talk to me.sit this side, dear

how does he knowwhat i like? auntie! tea or coffee?- first let us go inside both of you stay here. we'veto talk something inside. my parents and brother.aunty,all died in a car accident how could you survive aloneall these days, daughter? relatives promised to helpme. but i disliked it i didn't like to leave this house.grandma is my neighbour... ...i could manage with her help. tell me one thing. why did youlike anand?

anand... i like anand veryvery much he makes me laugh and is greatfun to have -what for? i was very close, open andcomfortable with my parents the same closeness, i could sensewhen i moved with anand i feel very very happy with him around. i feel as if i don't need to worryfor future and have no fear. anand ...he is my life,mother. sorry, aunty. you mad girl. you can call me'mom' only i do not know, anand.i like rupa very much.

but her family was ruinedbecause of us how will she react if she knowsthis truth, i can't imagine. can she adjust with us then?leave her. what about us? can we adjust with herafter she knows the truth? the main thing is this:whether she can agree... this marriage or notafter knowing the truth will rupa agree?- who can deny you? you are my anand. explain to herand convince her. rupa, i would have told you thisbefore. but i did not dare to ..

you were hurt already.if i tell you... would not have allowedme to come nearer to you i waited for such a long timefor this reason only rupa! your family was ruinedbecause of my father but it was not intendedby him my family also suffered a lotequally.. since then my father is notin this world he punished himself if you have lost everyonei also have lost everyone

i did not want to marry youbecause of your family... ...or by some pretences. but because i had nofaith in the matchmaking rituals that decidea marriage... a few hours, and i think they haveno meaning at all. i liked you at first sight.i wanted to understand you... ...and if all things suited usi wanted to marry you... ...and with this view onlyi stayed here all that is not required now.

i want you. i want youat any cost. if you want me to do anythingfor that, i can do... ...but i can't change the pastthings. rupa! whatever he may say,don't leave anand look at him, rupa. you mighthave forgotten your parents... ...for a few times in all these eightyears, but he never forgot you...

keep calm and do the snoopy dance

...even for a moment. though he lost his sense, he istreating you as his daughter... that is the truth.

hai anand...i know you are waiting for rupa. right?!

keep calm and do the snoopy dance Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: PaduWaras