so u think u can dance episodes

nigel lythgoe: i thinktonight's show really summarized what a greatseason it's been. ivan koumaev: it was the firsttime that i thought that all four dancers deserved to win. travis wall: i'm so happy thatamy and fik-shun won it.

so u think u can dance episodes, i think america kindof got it right. you kind of look at the two andyou're like, i totally get it, you know. and i think they had america'sheart from the start.

du-shaunt "fik-shun" stegall:i'm so happy that we did get partnered up. and that we did makeit to the end. amy yakima: it wasmeant to be. stacey tookey: tonight whenthey announced it, it was really that. it was genuine happinessfor amy and fik-shun. and actually, too, generalexcitement for aaron and jasmine, because thosetwo are going to

have incredible careers. aaron turner: and i neverexpected to make it this far either, so every singlemilestone that we got across was just such a blessing. jasmine harper: we startedtogether, and we're ending together. aaron turner: togetherright here. cat deeley: to make itto the final four-- i mean ask any of them as theycome down the line, they will

say that it almostkilled them. jasmine harper: if you do thisshow and you can get through it and make it this far, i thinkyou can do anything in life, literally. physically. just mentally. aaron turner: emotionally. everything. it does.

it tests you in every singleaspect of a human. du-shaunt "fik-shun" stegall:once we made it through that first contemporary routine withsonya, it just proved-- amy yakima: anythingwas possible. du-shaunt "fik-shun" stegall:--that we could do so much more throughout the week. at that point i felt reallycomfortable in our partnership. napoleon d'umo: we had fik-shunand amy and we had--

tabith d'umo: aaronand jasmine. napoleon d'umo: aaronand jasmine. that very first weekend,we said-- tabith d'umo: we called it. napoleon d'umo: --this is it. this is the top fourright here. tabith d'umo: top four. we said it. napoleon d'umo: and thenit went on from there.

tabith d'umo: i felt like thehighlight for me is to do a girl-girl piece. i had a blast. that's never been doneon the show. to have someone likecomfort and then jasmine who can get down. napoleon d'umo: yeah, thatwas a huge highlight. tabith d'umo: that'll go down inhistory for me as one of my favorite moments.

stacey tookey: my highlightswere always like little moments that a dancer overcamesomething, or you see someone do something that you didn'tthink that they could. like aaron, for example, doingmy contemporary and having this like softnessand subtleness. i'm really proud of him. mary murphy: seeing travis wall,, him dancing again was just, you know, over the top. travis wall: i'm very excitedthat both routines--

wicked game and medicine-- were in the finale tonightto represent the best of the finale. two standing ovations. you know, you have to feelreally good about that stuff. napoleon d'umo: i think allowingthe ex-dancers to come back as choreographersreally gave us something new. mark anamoro's great styleagain tonight. i love that routine.

ivan koumaev: i knew going inthat i've got to produce the best possible productthat i can. it's a finale. it's a big deal. it's the opening number. it's the first thing peopleare going to see. the kids were amazingto work with. just a beautiful experienceall around. dave scott: my show today wasfor "battle of the year." it's

my new movie comingout september 20th, actually, 2013. coming. it's a heartfelt film, butyou're going to hold your breath the entire time. it's one of those. action-packed. mary murphy: i will say that onenumber i missed tonight-- because we did call back a lotof the season's favorites--

but i do really miss the factthat we didn't get to see travis wall's numberwith jenna and tucker on the red strings. i hope that that's going to beon tour, because that was one of my favorite numbers. jasmine harper: so excited to goto all the cities and just see the audienceand everything. and just to partnerwith aaron again. i'm really excited for that.

aaron turner: beingable to give back. and just dance just to dance. and especially for the fans. people who have supportedus this whole time. it's going to be the mostrewarding part for me. du-shaunt "fik-shun" stegall:i'm really going to enjoy sleeping on that tour bus. because i feel like that'sgoing to be so awesome. amy yakima: i think it's justgoing to see the fans.

to meet someone that youwould never know unless they watched dance. dance brings togetherso many people. and it's kind of amazing. du-shaunt "fik-shun" stegall andamy yakima: this question is for kelsey. amy yakima: i alwaysthink we're going to come back together. du-shaunt "fik-shun" stegall:but there's going to be those

times where even after we goour separate ways, like she said, we're going to see eachother in the dance world. we know we will. so when we come together it'sgoing to be awesome to rekindle old dancing flames. so yes, kelsey, we'll probablystill be dancing together. amy yakima: yes. nigel lythgoe: i love the fact,you know, it's not the first time i've been askedthat question tonight.

fifteen minutes after we comeoff the air with season 10, i'm being asked what i'm goingto do with season 11. i have no idea, but i'vegot an entire year now to think about it. du-shaunt "fik-shun" stegall:my name is du-shaunt

so u think u can dance episodes

"fik-shun" stegall. amy yakima: and i'mamy yakima. du-shaunt "fik-shun" stegalland amy yakima: and you're watching "dance on."

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