[music playing] hey, guys. so as you guysprobably already know, this week's theme is dance. i've decided tohave a dance war.
where do dance moms get their dancewear, and i have a specialcontestant whom you guys are going to meet in just a second. so without waiting anylonger, let the war begin. [battle music]
meet your firstcontestant, kaelyn. she quit danceabout two years ago, and she's extremely rustyon all of her dance moves. now let's see if shebrings it, and let's see how this pans out. don't judge. now meet contestantnumber two, princess lucy. now we all know how lucy acts. and lucy thinks she's allthat and a bag of chips.
let's see how she does. first dance move, pirouettes. [crying] [scream] second dance move, fan-kicks. [crying] my hair's all wet! [crying] i don't like this! [scream] third dance move, fouettes. (whining) i'm way betterthan stupid kaelyn.
watch this! [mmm] my dollies dance. so that means i'm a good dancer. [crying] i hurt my booty! the fourth dance move, shenaes. [scream] now i got in the dirt! and lastly, improv dances. [crying] my hand's dirty. ouch!
[crying] [scream](yelling) i hate dance! [oomph] [grunt] [spit] (yelling) stop recording me! [scream] stop! [crash] [fuzz] thank you guys so,so much for watching. and now it is time forthe shout out question. so if you would like to be inthe running to get a shout out
next week, comment down belowand answer this question. who do you think won? do you think me, kaelyn, won? or do you thinkprincess lucy won?

comment down belowon your answer, and you could see your namein the shout outs next week. so i'll see guys nextwednesday, and i love you guys! toodles!